1. OctaviusMamilius, of Tusculum, called by Livy " longe princeps Latini nominis," was the person to whom Tarquinius Superbus gave his daughter, when he was anxious to conciliate the Latins. On the expulsion of the Tarquins from Rome, Superbus took refuge with
his father-in-law, who, according to the beautiful lay preserved by Livy, roused the Latin people against the infant republic, and perished in the great battle at the lake Regillus, by the hands of T. Herminius, whom he also slew. (Liv. 1.49, 2.15, 19, 20; Dionys. A. R. 4.45, 5.4_6.12; Cic. de Nat. Deor. 2.2, ad Att. 9.10.)