1. A native of Cyrene, the son of Alexander. In his youth he was poor, but remarkable for his industry, as well as for his affable and engaging manners. He removed to Athens, and attached himself to the New Academy, according to a silly story quoted by Eusebius (Praep. Evang. 14.7) from Numenius, because the facility with which his servants robbed him without being detected, convinced him that no reliance could be placed on the evidence of the senses. He was a disciple of Arcesilaus, and succeeded him as president of the school, over which he presided for 26 years. The place where his instructions were delivered was a garden, named the Λακύδειον, provided for the purpose by his friend Attalus Philometor king of Pergamus. This alteration in the locality of the school seems at least to have contributed to the rise of the name of the New Academy. Before his death Lacydes resigned his place to Telecles and Evander of Phocis, a thing which no philosopher had ever done before him. He died in B. C. 241, according to Diogenes Laertius (4.60; comp. Aelian, Ael. VH 2.41; Athen. 10.438. a.), from the effects of excessive drinking. According to Eusebius (Euseb. Praep. Ev. 14.7), he was so frugal, in other respects at least, that he was styled ὁ οἰκονομικός. In his philosophical tenets he followed Arcesilaus closely. Cicero (Cic. Ac. 2.6), speaking of the latter, says: "cujus primo non admodum probata ratio, quanquam floruit quum acumine ingenii tum admirabili quodam lepore dicendi proxime a Lacyde solo retenta est." Suidas (s. v. Λακ.) mentions writings of his under the general name of φιλόσοφα or περὶ φύσεως. (D. L. 4.59_61.)