2. C.Julius, C. F. L. N., JULUS, son of No. 1, consul in B. C. 482 with Q. Fabius Vibulanus, was elected to the office in consequence of an agreement between the two parties in the state, who, after the most violent opposition in the consular conitia, had at length consented that C. Julius should be chosen as the popular, and Fabius as the aristocratical candidate. Such is the account of Dionysius; but Livy merely says that the discord in the state was as violent this year as previously. The consuls marched against the Veientes; but as the enemy did not appear in the field, they returned to Rome, after only laying waste the Veientine territory. (Dionys. A. R. 8.90, 91; Liv. 2.43.)
This C. Julius was a member of the first decemvirate, B. C. 451, and it is recorded as an instance of the moderation of the first decemvirs, that, though there was no appeal from their sentence, Julius, notwithstanding, accused before the people in the comitia centuriata P. Sestius, a man of patrician rank, in whose house the corpse of a murdered person had been found, when he might have himself passed sentence upon the criminal. (Liv. 3.33; Cic. de Rep. 2.36; Dionys. A. R. 10.56; Diod. 12.23.) C. Julius is again mentioned in B. C. 449, as one of the three consulars who were sent by the senate to the plebeians when they had risen in arms against the second decemvirate, and were encamped upon the Aventine. (Liv. 3.50; Ascon. in Cic. Cornel. p. 77, ed. Baiter.)