1. A king of the Scythians, under whom, according to Strabo, they overran Asia, and advanced as far as Egypt. This was perhaps the incursion mentioned by Herodotus, who tells us that they held Asia for 28 years, and were ultimately driven out by Cyaxares, B. C. 607. According to Herodotus, however, the king, who led the expedition of which he gives an account, was Madyas; and Madyas is mentioned by Strabo (i. p.61) as king of the Cimmerians. An incursion of the Scythians to the borders of Egypt in very early times is recorded by Justin, but in an obscure and unsatisfactory way. (Strab. xv. p.687; Hdt. 1.15, 103_106, 4.11, 12, 67, 7.20; Just. 2.3; Clint. F. H. vol. i. sub annis 634, 632, 608, 607.)