1. Son of the Messenian hero, Aristomenes, who betrothed him in marriage to the maiden by whose aid he had himself escaped when captured by a body of Cretan bowmen, mercenaries of Sparta. [See Vol. I. p. 308.] Gorgus is mentioned by Pausanias as fighting bravely by his father's side in the last desperate struggle, when Eira had been surprised by the Spartans. Soon after this Aristomenes declined to take the command of the Messenians, who wished to migrate to another countsy, and named Gorgus and Manticlus, son of the seer Theoclus, as their leaders. Gorgus proposed to take possession of the island of Zacynthus, while Manticlus was in favour of a settlement in Sardinia. Neither of these courses, however, was adopted, and Rhegium was fixed upon as the new home of the exiles. (Paus. 4.19, 21, 23; Müller, Dor. 1.7.10; comp. ANAXILAUS.)