(Γλαύκων), an Athenian, who, together with his brother Glaucus, and Theopompus, father of Macartatus, endeavoured by a forged will to obtain possession of some property, to the exclusion of Phylomache, who was next of kin to the deceased. The forgery was detected, but the attempt was renewed by them successfully in another trial (διαδικασία; see Dict. of Ant. s. u.), which placed Theopompus in possession of the property (Dem. c. Macart. pp. 1051, 1052). The speech of Demosthenes πρὸς Μακάρτατον was written to recover it for Eubulides, the son of Phylomache.
[E.E]A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology
Smith, William
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology. William Smith, LLD, ed. 1890