5. Of CONSTANTINOPLE. On the death of Joannes or John II., the Cappadocian, patriarch of Constantinople, Epiphanius, then a preshyter, was
Some Letters of Epiphanius to pope Hormisdas, and of the pope to him, are extant in Labbe's Concilia, vol. iv. col. 1533-4-7, 1545-6, 1554-5; and in the Concilia of Binius, vol. ii. pp. 360-61-64-65-68 (edit. 1606); in the latter they are given only in Latin. A decree of Epiphanius, and of a council in which he presided (apparently the council of Constantinople in A. D. 520, during the continuance of which he was elected tothe patriarchate), condemning and anathematizing for heresy Severus, patriarch of Antioch, Petrus or Peter, bishop of Apamea, and Zoaras, was read at a subsequent council of Constantinople, A. D. 536, under Menas or Mennas, successor of Anthimius, and appears in Labbe's Concilia, vol. v. col. 251, seq. Some laws and constitutions of Justinian are addressed to Epiphanius. (Justin. Cod. 1. tit. 3. s. 42; de Episcopis et Cleris ; Novellae, 3, 5.)
In the library of the king of Bavaria at Munich is a Greek MS. described (Hardt. Catalogus MSS. Graec. &c. Cod. cclvi.) as containing, among other things, a treatise by Epiphanius, patriarch of Constantinople, on the separation of the Latin and Greek churches; and a MS. in the Bodleian Library, Barocc. cxiv. (Catal. MStorum. Angliae et Hiberniae, Oxon. 1697) contains, with other things, a work by Epiphanius the patriarch On the excommunication of the, Latins by the Greeks on account of the Controversy concerning the Procession of the Holy Spirit. Allatius also (ad v. Creyghtonum) cites Epiphanius Patriarcha, de Origine dissidii inter Graecos et Latinos, probably the same work as that in the Bavarian MS. But the subjects of these treatises shew they were of later date than our patriarch, nor have we the means of determining their authorship. An Arabic MS. in the King's Library at Paris (Catal. MStorum. Bibl. Regiae, vol. i. p. 114, Codex cxviii.) contains what is described as Canonum Epitome nec accurate nec antiqua, ascribed to Epiphanius.
The account of Epiphanius by Evagrius contains two errors. He makes him the successor of Anthimius instead of the predecessor; and to have been succeeded by Menas or Mennas, who was the successor, not of Epiphanius, but of Anthimius. (Labbe and Binius, l.c. ; Theophanes, Chronographia, ad annos citat.; Evagrius, Hist. Eccles. 4.36; Fabric. Bibl. Graec. vol. viii. p. 257, xii. pp. 666, 674.)