or PANDA, was, according to Festus (s. v. Empanda), a dca paganorum. Varro (apud Non. p. 44; comp. Gel. 13.22; Arnob. 4.2) connects the word with pandere, but absurdly explains it by panem dare, so that Empanda would be the goddess of bread or food. She had a sanctuary near the gate, called after her the porta Pandana, which led to the capitol. (Festus, s. v. Pandana; Varro, de Ling. Lat. 5.42.) Her temple was an asylum, which was always open, and the suppliants who came to it were supplied with food from the funds of the temple. This custom at once shews the meaning of the name Panda or Emlpanda: it is connected with pandere, to open; she is accordingly the goddess who is open to or admits any one who wants protection. Hartung (die Religion der Röm. ii. p. 76, &c.) thinks that Empanda and Panda are only surnames of Juno.
[L.S]A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology
Smith, William
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology. William Smith, LLD, ed. 1890