A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology

Smith, William

A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology. William Smith, LLD, ed. 1890

(Δημαρέτη), daughter of Theron, tyrant of Agrigentum, was wife of Gelo, tyrant of Syracuse. She is said by Diodorus to have exerted her influence with Gelo to grant the Carthaginians peace on moderate terms after their great defeat at Himera, B. C. 480. In return for this service they sent her a crown of gold of the value of a hundred talents, with the produce of which, or more probably in commemoration of the event, she caused to be struck for the first time the large silver coins, weighing 10 Attic drachms or 50 Sicilian litrae, to which the name of Damaretion was given in her honour. (Diod. 11.26; Schol. in Pind. Ol. 2.1; Hesych. s. v. Δημαρέτιον; Pollux, 9.80; Annali dell'Ist. di Corrisp. Archeol. vol. ii. p. 81.) After the death of Gelo she married his brother and successor Polyzelus. (Schol. in Pind. Ol. 2.29.)
