A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology

Smith, William

A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology. William Smith, LLD, ed. 1890

3. DAREIUS III., named CODOMANNUS before his accession, was the son of Arsames, the son of Ostanes, a brother of Artaxerxes II. His mother Sisygambis was the daughter of Artaxerxes. In a war against the Cadusii he killed a powerful warrior in single combat, and was rewarded by the king, Artaxerxes Ochus, with the satrapy of Armenia. He was raised to the throne by Bagoas, after the murder of Arses (B. C. 336), in which some accused him of a share; but this accusation is inconsistent with the universal testimony borne to the mildness and excellence of his character, by which he was as much distinguished as by his personal beauty. He rid himself of Bagoas, whom he punished for all his crimes by compelling him to drink poison. Codomannus had not, however, the qualities nor the power to oppose the impetuous career of the Macedonian king. [ALEXANDER III.] The Persian empire ended with his death, in B. C. 330. (Diod. 17.5, &c.; Justin, 10.3, and the writers of the history of Alexander.)
