(Δαμάστης), of Sigeum, a Greek historian, and a contemporary of Herodotus and Hellanicus of Lesbos, with the latter of whom he is often mentioned.
Suidas even calls him a disciple of Hellanicus, while Porphyry (apud Euseb. Praep. Evang. ix. p. 468) states, that Hellanicus borrowed from Damastes and Herodotus several statements concerning the manners and customs of foreign nations. This latter statement has led some critics to assume, that Porphyry alludes to a later Hellanicus of Miletus; but there is no reason for such a supposition, and the simpler solution is, that the work of Damastes was published before that of Hellanicus, or what is more likely, that Porphyry made a blunder.