A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology

Smith, William

A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology. William Smith, LLD, ed. 1890

a Roman rhetorician, who seems to have lived in the reign of M. Aurelius and Verus, and was secretary to the emperor M. Aurelius. The grammarian Phrynichus, who dedicated

to Cornelianus his " Ecloge," speaks of him in terms of high praise, and describes him as worthy of the age of Demosthenes. (Comp. Phrynich. s. v. βασίλισσα, p. 225, s. v. τὰ πρόσωπα, p. 379, ed. Lobeck.) Fronto (Epist. ad Amic. 1.4, p. 187 and p. 237) mentions a rhetorician of the name of Sulpicius Cornelianus; but whether he is the same as the friend of Phrynichus, as Mai supposes, is uncertain, though there is nothing to oppose the supposition.
