A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology

Smith, William

A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology. William Smith, LLD, ed. 1890

surnamed NICAEUS from the place of his abode, by which surname alone he is usually designated in the Basilica, was a Graeco Roman jurist. (Basil. iii. p. 372.) He was posterior to Garidas, who flourished in the latter half of the eleventh century of the Christian aera, for in Basilica, ii. pp. 653, 654, he cites the Στοιχεῖον of Garidas. He was a commentator upon the Novells of Justinian (Bas. iii. p. 113), and upon the books of the Basilica. (Bas. ii. p. 651, iii. p. 240.) Nic. Comnenus (Praenot. Mystag. p. 371) cites his exposition of the Novells. In Bas. iii. p. 208, he speaks of Stephanus as his teacher (ὁ διδάσκαλος ἡμῶν Στέφανοσ̓; but by this expression He may have referred to the jurist Stephanus, who was a contemporary of Justinian, as an English lawyer might call Coke his master. Reiz, however (ad Theoph. p. 1245), thinks it more probable, that he referred to an Antonius Stephanus, judge and magistrate, who is said by Nic. Comnenlus (Papadopoli) (Praenot. Mystag. p. 404) to have written scholia on the Ecloga of Leo; but G. E. Heimbach (Anecdota, i. p. 221) has in this case clearly exposed the fabrication of Comnenus. In the scholia of Constantinus Nicaeus appended to the Basilica are citations of Cyrillus, Stephanus, and Thalelaeus (iii. p. 141), of Joannes Nomophylus, with whom he disagrees (ii. p. 549), of the Institutes (iii. p. 616), of the Digest (iii. p. 275, ii. p. 650), of the Novells of Leo (iii. p. 186), and of the Basilica (ii. pp. 550, 615, 616, 619, iii. pp. 194, 240). (Reiz, ad T/woph. p. 1238; Assemani, Bibl. Jur. Orient. 2.100.20, p. 404; Pohl, ad Suares. Notit. Basil. p. 134, n. (ς); Heimbach, de Basil. Orig. p. 75.)
