A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology

Smith, William

A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology. William Smith, LLD, ed. 1890

9. C.ConsidiusLongus, propraetor in Africa, left his province shortly before the breaking out of the civil war between Caesar and Pompey, in order to go to Rome to become a candidate for the consulship, entrusting the government to Q. Ligarius. (Cic. pro Ligar. 1; Schol. Gronov. in Ligar. p. 414, ed. Orelli.) When the civil war broke out in B. C. 49, Considius espoused Pompey's party, and returned to Africa, where he held Adrumetum with one legion. (Caes. Civ. 2.23.) He still had possession of Adrumetum two years afterwards, B. C. 47, when Caesar came into Africa ; and when a letter was sent him by the hands of a captive, Considius caused the unfortunate bearer to be put to death, because he said he had brought it from the imperator Caesar, declaring at the same time himself, that Scipio was the only imperator of the Roman people at that time. Shortly afterwards Considius made an unsuccessful attempt upon Achilla, a free town in Caesar's interest, and was obliged to retire to Adrumetum. We next hear of Considius in possession of the stronglyfortified town of Tisdra; but after the defeat of Scipio at Thapsus, and when he heard that Cn. Domitius Calvinus was advancing against the town, he secretly withdrew from it, accompanied by a few Gaetulians and laden with money, intending to fly into Mauretania. But he was murdered on the journey by the Gaetulians, who coveted his treasures. (Hirt. B. Afr. 3, 4, 33, 43, 76, 86, 93.)