A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology

Smith, William

A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology. William Smith, LLD, ed. 1890

a Graeco-Roman jurist, who seems to have lived shortly after the time of Justinian.

His name is spelt in various ways, as Gobidas, Cobidius, &c.

In Basil. (ed. Fabrot.) iii. p. 182, Cobidas is found citing Cyrillus and Stephanus, contemporaries of Justinian, and in no extant passage does he refer to the Novellae of Leo; though Nic. Comnenus (Praenot. Mystag. p. 372) mentions a Gobidas, logotheta genici, who wrote scholia on the Novellae of Leo. Cobidas is cited by Balsamo. (Ad Nomocan. Photii in Just. et Voell. Bibl. Jur. Canon, p. 1118.)
