A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology

Smith, William

A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology. William Smith, LLD, ed. 1890

(Κλεομήδης), of the island Astypalaea, an athlete, of whom Pausanias (6.9) and Plutarch (Plut. Rom. 28) record the following legend :--In Ol. 72 (B. C. 492) he killed Iccus, his opponent, in a boxing-umatch, at the Olympic games, and the judges (Ἑλλανοδίκαι) decided that he had been guilty of unfair play, and punished him with the loss of the prize. Stung to madness by the disgrace, he returned to Astypalaea, and there in his frenzy he shook down the pillar which supported the roof of a boys' school, crushing all who were in it beneath the ruins. The Astypalaeans preparing to stone him, he fled for refuge to the temple of Athena, and got into a chest, which his pursuers, having vainly attempted to open it, at length broke to pieces; but no Cleomedes was there. They sent accordingly to consult the Delphic oracle, and received the following answer:--

  1. ὕπατος ἡρώων Κλεομήδης Ἀστυπαλαιεύς
  2. ὅν θυσίαις τιμᾶθʼ ὡς μηκέτι θνητὸν ἐόντα.
