A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology

Smith, William

A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology. William Smith, LLD, ed. 1890

(Κλήμης), a Greek historian, probably of Constantinople, who wrote, according to Suidas (s. v.), respecting the kings and emperors of the Romans, a work to Hieronymus on the figures of Isocrates (περὶ τῶν Ἰσοκρατικῶν σχημάτων), and other treatises. Ruhnken (Praef. ad Tim. Lex. p. x.) supposes that Suidas has confounded two different persons, the historian and grammarian, but one supposition seems just as probable as the other. The grammatical works of Clemens are referred to in the Etymologicum Magnum (s. v. ζάλη) and Suidas (s.vv. Ἥρας, παλίμβολος), and the historical ones very frequently in the Byzantine writers. (Vossius, de Histor. Graec. p. 416, ed. Westermann.)