(not Tullius), one of the murderers of Caesar, B. C. 44. When Caesar first became supreme, Cimber was one of his warmest supporters (Cic. Philipp. 2.11; Senec. de Ira, 3.30); and we find Cicero making use of his influence with the Dictator in behalf of a friend (Ad Fam. 6.12). He was rewarded with the province of Bithynia. But for some reason (Seneca says from disappointed hopes) he joined the conspirators. On the fatal day, Cimber was foremost in the ranks, under pretence of pre-senting a petition to Caesar praying for his brother's recall from exile. Caesar motioned him away; and Cimber then, seizing the Dictator's gown with both hands drew it over his neck, so as to pull him forward. After the assassination, Cimber went to his province and raised a fleet, with which (if we may believe the author of the Pseudo-Brutus Epistles to Cicero, 1.6) he defeated Dolabella. When Cassius and Brutus marched into Macedonia, Cimber co-operated with the fleet, and appears to have done good service. (Appian, App. BC 4.102, 105.) He was a bold active man, but addicted to wine and riotous living, so that he asked jokingly, Ego quemquam feram, qui vinum ferre non possum? (Senec. Epist. 83. 11.)
[H.G.L]A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology
Smith, William
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology. William Smith, LLD, ed. 1890