(Μακάριος Χρυσοκέφαλος), a Greek ecclesiastical writer of great repute. The time at which he lived has been the subject of much investigation : Cave says that it is not correctly known; Oudin thinks that he lived about A. D. 1290; but Fabricius is of opinion that he lived in the fourteenth century, as would appear from the fact, that the condemnation of Barlaam and Gregorius Acindynus took place in the synod of Constantinople in 1351, in presence of a great number of prelates, among whom there was Macarius, archbishop of Philadelphia.
The original name of Chrysocephalus was Macarius, and he was also archbishop of Philadelphia ; he was called Chrysocephalus because, having made numerous extracts from the works of the fathers, he arranged them under different heads, which he called χρυσᾶ κεφάλαια, or " Golden Heads."