(Κάλαμις), a statuary and embosser, whose birth-place and age are not mentioned by any of the ancient authors. It is certain, however, that he was a contemporary of Phidias, for he executed a statue of Apollo Alexicacos, who was believed to have stopped the plague at Athens. (Paus. 1.3.3.) Besides he worked at a chariot, which Dinomenes, the son of Hiero, caused to be made by Onatas in memory of his father's victory at Olympia. (Paus. 6.12.1, 8.42.4.) This chariot was consecrated by Dinomenes after Hiero's death (B. C. 467), and the plague at Athens ceased B. C. 429. The 38 years between these two dates may therefore safely be taken as the time in which Calamis flourished. (Sillig, Cat. Art. s. v.) Calamis was one of the most diligent artists of all antiquity. He wrought statues in bronze, stone, gold, and ivory, and was, moreover, a celebrated embosser. (Plin. Nat. 33.12. s. 15, 36.4. s. 3.) Besides the Apollo Alexicacos, which was of metal(Sillig, Cat. Art. p. 117), there existed a marble statue of Apollo in the Servilian gardens in Rome (Plin. Nat. 36.4, 5), and a third bronze statue of Apollo, 30 cubits high, which Lucullus carried to Rome from the Illyrian town Apollonia. (Strab. vii. p.319.) A beardless Asclepios in gold and ivory, a Nike, a Zeus Ammon (consecrated by Pindar at Thebes), a Dionysos, an Aphrodite, an Alcmene, and a Sosandra, are mentioned as works of Calamis. Besides the statues of gods and mortals he also represented animals, especially horses, for which he was very celebrated. (Plin. Nat. 34.8. s. 19.) Cicero gives the following opinion of the style of Calamis, which was probably borrowed from the Greek authors :-- " Quis enim eorum, qui haec minora animadvertunt, non intelligit, Canachi signa rigidiora esse, quam ut imitentur veritatem? Calamidis dura illa quidem, sed tamen molliora quam Canachi, nondum Myronis satis ad veritatem adducta." (Brut. 18; comp. Quintil 12.10.)
[W.I]A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology
Smith, William
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology. William Smith, LLD, ed. 1890