a very old painter of Asia Minor, whose picture representing the defeat of the Magnesians (Magnetum proelium, Plin. Nat. 35.34; Magnetum excidium, Ib. 7.39) is said to have been paid by Candaules, king of Lydia with so much gold as was required to cover the whole of its large surface. This is either a mistake of Pliny, since Candaules died in B. C. 716, and the only destruction of Magnesia that is known of took place after B. C. 676 (see Heyne, Art. Tempor. Opusc. v. p. 349); or, what is more probable.
the whole story is fictitious, as Welcker has shewn. (Archiv für Philol. 1830, Nos. 9 and 10.) [W.I]