(Ἀμειψίας), a comic poet of Athens, contemporary with Aristophanes, whom he twice conquered in the dramatic contests, gaining the second prize with his Κόννος when Aristophanes was third with the " Clouds" (423 B. C.), and the first with his Κωμασταί, when Aristophanes gained the second with the " Birds." (414 B. C.; Arrgum. in Aristoph. Nub. et. Av.) The
Ameipsias wrote many comedies, out of which there remain only a few fragments of the following : --Ἀποκοτταβίζοντες, Κατεσθίων (doubtful), Κόννος, Μοιχοί, Σαπφώ, Σφενδόνη, and of some the names of which are unknown. Most of his plays were of the old comedy, but some, in all probability, were of the middle. (Meineke, Frag. Com. i. p. 199, ii. p. 701.)