A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology

Smith, William

A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology. William Smith, LLD, ed. 1890

(Ἀλέξανδρος), third son of CASSANDER, king of Macedonia, by Thessalonica, sister of Alexander the Great. In his quarrel with his elder brother Antipater for the government [ANTIPATER], he called in the aid of Pyrrhus of Epirus and Demetrius Poliorcetes. To the former he was compelled to surrender, as the price of his alliance, the land on the sea-coast of Macedonia, together with the provinces of Ambracia, Acarnania, and Amphilochia. (Plut. Pyrrh. p. 386b.) Demetrius, according to Plutarch (Plut. Pyrrh. 386, d., Demetr. 906, a.), arrived after Pyrrhus had retired, and when matters, through his mediation, had been arranged between the brothers. Demetrius, therefore, was now an unwelcome visitor, and Alexander, while he received ceived him with all outward civility, is said by Plutarch to have laid a plan for murdering him at a banquet, which was baffled, however, by the precaution of Demetrius. (Demetr. 906, a. b.) The next day Demetrius took his departure, and Alexander attended him as far as Thessaly. Here, at Larissa, he went to dine with Demetrius, and (taking no guards with him by a fancied refinement of policy) was assassinated, together with his friends who attended him, one of whom is said to have exclaimed, that Demetrius was only one day beforehand with them. (Plut. Demetr. p. 906c. d.; Just. 16.1; Diod. xxi. Exc. 7.)
