

by divers poets in English verse and prose. Translated by Sir Richard Burton and Leonard C. Smithers

  1. Buttocks of plundering wights was wont to cleave,
  2. For many a night and day in idlesse stand.
  3. I also, suffering pains enough and more,
  4. Flow off in semen and a lecher whiles
  5. Unlive my life-tide. Who could ever think
  6. From lute the lutanist should cut him clear?
  7. But you, ereeld's marasmus do me dead,
  8. Desist, I pray you from vain diligence,
  9. Nor hang a buckle on Priapus' yard.
  1. The Gods and Goddesses deny thy teeth
  2. A bait, a whetting, neighbour cunnilinge!
  3. Thro' whom my girl (once strong and never false,
  4. But with her swift untiring paces wont