

by divers poets in English verse and prose. Translated by Sir Richard Burton and Leonard C. Smithers

  1. (You ask) the member which begets us all?
  2. Whenas by accident my yard was hurt
  3. And I (unhappy!) feared the surgeon's hand
  4. To such legitimate almighty gods--
  5. Phoebus for instance take or Phoebus' son--
  6. I blushed to offer for a cure my cock
  7. And prayed--'Priapus, an thou heal the part,
  8. O Sire, whose very counterpart thou seem'st
  9. And without hacking make it whole again,
  10. One linmed on tablet shall to thee be given
  11. Like-sized, like-coloured and alike of shape.'
  12. The God to promise deigning wagged his yard,
  13. By way of nod divine, and did my bede.
  1. Simply to thee I say whatever to say shall behove me,