

by divers poets in English verse and prose. Translated by Sir Richard Burton and Leonard C. Smithers

  1. Invite to visit such unvirginal site.
  2. For heart and senses did forbid me quite
  3. To set the choir Pïérian, chaste and fair,
  4. Before Priapus' tool--such deed to dare.
  5. Then whatsoe'er I wrote when idly gay,
  6. And on this Temple-wall for note I lay,
  7. Take in good part--such is the prayer I pray.
  1. Darkly might I to thee say: Oh give me for ever and ever
  2. What thou may'st constantly give while of it nothing be lost:
  3. Give me what vainly thou'lt long to bestow in the days that are coming
  4. When that invidious beard either soft cheek shall invade;
  5. What unto Jove gave he who, borne by the worshipful flyer,
  6. Mixes the gratefullest cups, ever his leman's delight;
  7. What on the primal night maid gives to her love-longing bridegroom