Ovid. The XV bookes of P. Ouidius Naso, entytuled Metamorphosis. Golding, Arthur, translator. London: W. Seres (printer), 1567.
- Now while these things were done on earth, and that by fatal doome
- The twice borne Bacchus had a tyme to mannes estate to come,
- They say that Jove disposde to myrth as he and Juno sate
- A drinking Nectar after meate in sport and pleasant rate,
- Did fall a jeasting with his wife, and saide: A greater pleasure
- In Venus games ye women have than men beyonde all measure.
- She answerde no. To trie the truth, they both of them agree
- The wise Tyresias in this case indifferent Judge to bee,
- Who both the man and womans joyes by tryall understood.
- For finding once two mightie Snakes engendring in a Wood,
- He strake them overthwart the backs, by meanes whereof beholde
- (As straunge a thing to be of truth as ever yet was tolde)
- He being made a woman straight, seven winter lived so.
- The eight he finding them againe did say unto them tho:
- And if to strike ye have such powre as for to turne their shape
- That are the givers of the stripe, before you hence escape,
- One stripe now will I lende you more. He strake them as beforne
- And straight returnd his former shape in which he first was borne.
- Tyresias therefore being tane to judge this jesting strife,
- Gave sentence on the side of Jove. The which the Queene his wife
- Did take a great deale more to heart than needed, and in spight
- To wreake hir teene upon hir Judge, bereft him of his sight.
- But Jove (for to the Gods it is unleefull to undoe
- The things which other of the Gods by any meanes have doe)
- Did give him sight in things to come for losse of sight of eye,
- And so his grievous punishment with honour did supplie.
- By meanes whereof within a while in Citie, fielde, and towne
- Through all the coast of Aony was bruited his renowne.
- And folke to have their fortunes read that dayly did resorte
- Were aunswerde so as none of them could give him misreporte.
- The first that of his soothfast wordes had proufe in all the Realme
- Was freckled Lyriop, whom sometime surprised in his streame
- The floud Cephisus did enforce. This Lady bare a sonne
- Whose beautie at his verie birth might justly love have wonne.
- -Narcissus did she call his name. Of whome the Prophet sage,
- -Demaunded if the childe should live to many yeares of age,
- Made aunswere: Yea full long, so that him selfe he doe not know.
- The Soothsayers wordes seemde long but vaine, untill the end did show
- His saying to be true in deede by straungenesse of the rage,
- And straungenesse of the kinde of death that did abridge his age.
- For when yeares three times five and one he fully lyved had,
- So that he seemde to stande beetwene the state of man and Lad,
- The hearts of dyvers trim yong men his beautie gan to move
- And many a Ladie fresh and faire was taken in his love.
- But in that grace of Natures gift such passing pride did raigne,
- That to be toucht of man or Mayde he wholy did disdaine.
- A babling Nymph that Echo hight, who hearing others talke,
- By no meanes can restraine hir tongue but that it needes must walke,
- Nor of hir selfe hath powre to ginne to speake to any wight,
- Espyde him dryving into toyles the fearefull stagges of flight.
- This Echo was a body then and not an onely voyce.
- Yet of hir speach she had that time no more than now the choyce,
- That is to say, of many wordes the latter to repeate.
- The cause thereof was Junos wrath. For when that with the feate
- She might have often taken Jove in daliance with his Dames,
- And that by stealth and unbewares in middes of all his games,
- This elfe would with hir tatling talke deteine hir by the way,
- Untill that Jove had wrought his will and they were fled away.
- The which when Juno did perceyve, she said with wrathfull mood:
- This tongue that hath deluded me shall doe thee little good,
- For of thy speach but simple use hereafter shalt thou have.
- The deede it selfe did straight confirme the threatnings that she gave.
- Yet Echo of the former talke doth double oft the ende
- And backe againe with just report the wordes earst spoken sende.
- Now when she sawe Narcissus stray about the Forrest wyde,
- She waxed warme and step for step fast after him she hyde.
- The more she followed after him and neerer that she came,
- The hoter ever did she waxe as neerer to hir flame.
- Lyke as the lively Brimstone doth which dipt about a match,
- And put but softly to the fire, the flame doth lightly catch.
- O Lord how often woulde she faine (if nature would have let)
- Entreated him with gentle wordes some favour for to get?
- But nature would not suffer hir nor give hir leave to ginne.
- Yet (so farre forth as she by graunt at natures hande could winne)
- As readie with attentive eare she harkens for some sounde,
- Whereto she might replie hir wordes, from which she is not bounde.
- By chaunce the stripling being strayde from all his companie,
- Sayde: Is there any body nie? Straight Echo answerde: I.
- Amazde he castes his eye aside, and looketh round about,
- And Come (that all the Forrest roong) aloud he calleth out.
- And Come (sayth she:) he looketh backe, and seeing no man followe,
- Why fliste, he cryeth once againe: and she the same doth hallowe.
- He still persistes and wondring much what kinde of thing it was
- From which that answering voyce by turne so duely seemde to passe,
- Said: Let us joyne. She (by hir will desirous to have said
- In fayth with none more willingly at any time or stead)
- Said: Let us joyne. And standing somewhat in hir owne conceit,
- Upon these wordes she left the Wood, and forth she yeedeth streit,
- To coll the lovely necke for which she longed had so much,
- He runnes his way and will not be imbraced of no such,
- And sayth: I first will die ere thou shalt take of me thy pleasure.
- She aunswerde nothing else thereto, but Take of me thy pleasure.
- Now when she saw hir selfe thus mockt, she gate hir to the Woods,
- And hid hir head for verie shame among the leaves and buddes.
- And ever sence she lyves alone in dennes and hollow Caves,
- Yet stacke hir love still to hir heart, through which she dayly raves
- The more for sorrowe of repulse. Through restlesse carke and care
- Hir bodie pynes to skinne and bone, and waxeth wonderous bare.
- The bloud doth vanish into ayre from out of all hir veynes,
- And nought is left but voyce and bones: the voyce yet still remaynes:
- Hir bones they say were turnde to stones. From thence she lurking still
- In Woods, will never shewe hir head in field nor yet on hill.
- Yet is she heard of every man: it is hir onely sound,
- And nothing else that doth remayne alive above the ground.
- Thus had he mockt this wretched Nymph and many mo beside,
- That in the waters, Woods and groves, or Mountaynes did abyde.
- Thus had he mocked many men. Of which one miscontent
- To see himselfe deluded so, his handes to Heaven up bent,
- And sayd: I pray to God he may once feele fierce Cupids fire
- As I doe now, and yet not joy the things he doth desire.
- The Goddesse Ramnuse (who doth wreake on wicked people take)
- Assented to his just request for ruth and pities sake.
- There was a spring withouten mudde as silver cleare and still,
- Which neyther sheepeheirds, nor the Goates that fed upon the hill,
- Nor other cattell troubled had, nor savage beast had styrd,
- Nor braunch nor sticke, nor leafe of tree, nor any soule nor byrd.
- The moysture fed and kept aye fresh the grasse that grew about,
- And with their leaves the trees did keepe the heate of Phoebus out.
- The stripling wearie with the heate and hunting in the chace,
- And much delighted with the spring and coolenesse of the place,
- Did lay him downe upon the brim: and as he stooped lowe
- To staunche his thurst, another thurst of worse effect did growe.
- For as he dranke, he chaunst to spie the Image of his face,
- The which he did immediately with fervent love embrace.
- He feedes a hope without cause why. For like a foolishe noddie
- He thinkes the shadow that he sees, to be a lively boddie.
- Astraughted like an ymage made of Marble stone he lyes,
- There gazing on his shadowe still with fixed staring eyes.
- Stretcht all along upon the ground, it doth him good to see
- His ardant eyes which like two starres full bright and shyning bee,
- And eke his fingars, fingars such as Bacchus might beseeme,
- And haire that one might worthely Apollos haire it deeme,
- His beardlesse chinne and yvorie necke, and eke the perfect grace
- Of white and red indifferently bepainted in his face.
- All these he woondreth to beholde, for which (as I doe gather)
- Himselfe was to be woondred at, or to be pitied rather.
- He is enamored of himselfe for want of taking heede,
- And where he lykes another thing, he lykes himselfe in deede.
- He is the partie whome he wooes, and suter that doth wooe,
- He is the flame that settes on fire, and thing that burneth tooe.
- O Lord how often did he kisse that false deceitfull thing?
- How often did he thrust his armes midway into the spring
- To have embraste the necke he saw and could not catch himselfe?
- He knowes not what it was he sawe. And yet the foolish elfe
- Doth burne in ardent love thereof. The verie selfsame thing
- That doth bewitch and blinde his eyes, encreaseth all his sting.
- Thou fondling thou, why doest thou raught the fickle image so?
- The thing thou seekest is not there. And if aside thou go,
- The thing thou lovest straight is gone. It is none other matter
- That thou doest see, than of thy selfe the shadow in the water.
- The thing is nothing of it selfe: with thee it doth abide,
- With thee it would departe if thou withdrew thy selfe aside.
- No care of meate could draw him thence, nor yet desire of rest.
- But lying flat against the ground, and leaning on his brest,
- With greedie eyes he gazeth still uppon the falced face,
- And through his sight is wrought his bane. Yet for a little space
- He turnes and settes himselfe upright, and holding up his hands
- With piteous voyce unto the wood that round about him stands,
- Cryes out and ses: Alas ye Woods, and was there ever any
- That loovde so cruelly as I? you know: for unto many
- A place of harbrough have you beene, and fort of refuge strong.
- Can you remember any one in all your tyme so long
- That hath so pinde away as I? I see and am full faine,
- Howbeit that I like and see I can not yet attaine:
- So great a blindnesse in my heart through doting love doth raigne.
- And for to spight me more withall, it is no journey farre,
- No drenching Sea, no Mountaine hie, no wall, no locke, no barre,
- It is but even a little droppe that keepes us two asunder.
- He would be had. For looke how oft I kisse the water under,
- So oft againe with upwarde mouth he riseth towarde mee.
- A man would thinke to touch at least I should yet able bee.
- It is a trifle in respect that lettes us of our love.
- What wight soever that thou art come hither up above.
- O pierlesse piece, why dost thou mee thy lover thus delude?
- Or whither fliste thou of thy friende thus earnestly pursude?
- Iwis I neyther am so fowle nor yet so growne in yeares
- That in this wise thou shouldst me shoon. To have me to their Feeres,
- The Nymphes themselves have sude ere this. And yet (as should appeere)
- Thou dost pretende some kinde of hope of friendship by thy cheere.
- For when I stretch mine armes to thee, thou stretchest thine likewise.
- And if I smile thou smilest too: and when that from mine eyes
- The teares doe drop, I well perceyve the water stands in thine.
- Like gesture also dost thou make to everie becke of mine.
- And as by moving of thy sweete and lovely lippes I weene,
- Thou speakest words although mine eares conceive not what they beene,
- It is my selfe I well perceyve, it is mine Image sure,
- That in this sort deluding me, this furie doth procure.
- I am inamored of my selfe, I doe both set on fire,
- And am the same that swelteth too, through impotent desire.
- What shall I doe? be woode or woo? whome shall I woo therefore?
- The thing I seeke is in my selfe, my plentie makes me poore.
- I would to God I for a while might from my bodie part.
- This wish is straunge to heare, a Lover wrapped all in smart
- To wish away the thing the which he loveth as his heart.
- My sorrowe takes away my strength. I have not long to live,
- But in the floure of youth must die. To die it doth not grieve.
- For that by death shall come the ende of all my griefe and paine
- I would this yongling whome I love might lenger life obtaine:
- For in one soule shall now decay we stedfast Lovers twaine.
- This saide in rage he turnes againe unto the forsaide shade,
- And rores the water with the teares and sloubring that he made,
- That through his troubling of the Well his ymage gan to fade.
- Which when he sawe to vanish so: Oh whither dost thou flie?
- Abide I pray thee heartely, aloud he gan to crie.
- Forsake me not so cruelly that loveth thee so deere,
- But give me leave a little while my dazled eyes to cheere
- With sight of that which for to touch is utterly denide,
- Thereby to feede my wretched rage and furie for a tide.
- As in this wise he made his mone, he stripped off his cote
- And with his fist outragiously his naked stomacke smote.
- A ruddie colour where he smote rose on his stomacke sheere,
- Lyke Apples which doe partly white and striped red appeere,
- Or as the clusters ere the grapes to ripenesse fully come:
- An Orient purple here and there beginnes to grow on some.
- Which things as soon as in the spring he did beholde againe,
- He could no longer beare it out. But fainting straight for paine,
- As lith and supple waxe doth melt against the burning flame,
- Or morning dewe against the Sunne that glareth on the same:
- Even so by piecemale being spent and wasted through desire,
- Did he consume and melt away with Cupids secret fire.
- His lively hue of white and red, his cheerefulnesse and strength
- And all the things that lyked him did wanze away at length.
- So that in fine remayned not the bodie which of late
- The wretched Echo loved so. Who when she sawe his state,
- Although in heart she angrie were, and mindefull of his pride,
- Yet ruing his unhappie case, as often as he cride
- Alas, she cride, Alas likewise with shirle redoubled sound.
- And when he beate his breast, or strake his feete against the ground,
- She made like noyse of clapping too. These are the woordes that last
- Out of his lippes beholding still his woonted ymage past:
- Alas sweete boy belovde in vaine, farewell. And by and by
- With sighing sound the selfesame wordes the Echo did reply.
- With that he layde his wearie head against the grassie place
- And death did doze his gazing eyes that woondred at the grace
- And beautie which did late adorne their Masters heavenly face.
- And afterward when into Hell receyved was his spright
- He goes me to the Well of Styx, and there both day and night
- Standes tooting on his shadow still as fondely as before.
- The water Nymphes, his sisters, wept and wayled for him sore
- And on his bodie strowde their haire clipt off and shorne therefore.
- The Wood nymphes also did lament. And Echo did rebound
- To every sorrowfull noyse of theirs with like lamenting sound.
- The fire was made to burne the corse, and waxen Tapers light.
- A Herce to lay the bodie on with solemne pompe was dight.
- But as for bodie none remaind: in stead thereof they found
- A yellow floure with milke white leaves new sprong upon the ground.
- This matter all Achaia through did spreade the Prophets fame:
- That every where of just desert renowned was his name.
- But Penthey, olde Echions sonne (who proudely did disdaine
- Both God and man) did laughe to scorne the Prophets words as vaine,
- Upbrading him most spitefully with loosing of his sight,
- And with the fact for which he lost fruition of this light.
- The good olde father (for these wordes his pacience much did move)
- Saide: how happie shouldest thou be and blessed from above,
- If thou wert blinde as well as I, so that thou might not see
- The sacred rytes of Bacchus band. For sure the time will bee,
- And that full shortely (as I gesse) that hither shall resort
- Another Bacchus, Semelles sonne, whome if thou not support
- With pompe and honour like a God, thy carcasse shall be tattred,
- And in a thousand places eke about the Woods be scattred.
- And for to reade thee what they are that shall perfourme the deede,
- It is thy mother and thine Auntes that thus shall make thee bleede.
- I know it shall so come to passe, for why thou shalt disdaine,
- To honour Bacchus as a God: and then thou shalt with paine
- Feele how that blinded as I am I sawe for thee too much.
- As olde Tiresias did pronounce these wordes and other such,
- Echions sonne did trouble him. His wordes prove true in deede,
- For as the Prophet did forespeake so fell it out with speede.
- Anon this newefound Bacchus commes: the woods and fieldes rebound
- With noyse of shouts and howling out, and such confused sound.
- The folke runne flocking out by heapes, men, Mayds and wives togither
- The noble men and rascall sorte ran gadding also thither,
- The Orgies of this unknowne God full fondely to performe,
- The which when Penthey did perceyve, he gan to rage and storme.
- And sayde unto them: O ye ympes of Mars his snake by kinde
- What ayleth you? what fiend of hell doth thus enrage your minde?
- Hath tinking sound of pottes and pannes, hath noyse of crooked home,
- Have fonde illusions such a force that them whome heretoforne
- No arming sworde, no bloudie trumpe, no men in battail ray
- Could cause to shrinke, no sheepish shriekes of simple women fray,
- And dronken woodnesse wrought by wine and roughts of filthie freakes
- And sound of toying timpanes dauntes, and quite their courage breakes?
- Shall I at you, yee auncient men which from the towne of Tyre
- To bring your housholde Gods by Sea, in safetie did aspyre,
- And setled*hem within this place the which ye nowe doe yeelde
- In bondage quite without all force and fighting in the fielde,
- Or woonder at you yonger sorte approching unto mee
- More neare in courage and in yeares? whome meete it were to see
- With speare and not with thirse in hande, with glittring helme on hed,
- And not with leaves. Now call to minde of whome ye all are bred,
- And take the stomackes of that Snake, which being one alone,
- Right stoutly in his owne defence confounded many one.
- He for his harbrough and his spring his lyfe did nobly spend.
- Doe you no more but take a heart your Countrie to defende.
- He put to death right valeant knightes. Your battaile is with such
- As are but Meicocks in effect: and yet ye doe so much
- In conquering them, that by the deede the olde renowne ye save,
- Which from your fathers by discent this present time ye have.
- If fatall destnies doe forbid that Thebae long shall stande,
- Would God that men with Canon shot might raze it out of hande.
- Would God the noyse of fire and sworde did in our hearing sound.
- For then in this our wretchednesse there could no fault be found.
- Then might we justly waile our case that all the world might see
- We should not neede of sheading teares ashamed for to bee.
- But now our towne is taken by a naked beardelesse boy,
- Who doth not in the feates of armes nor horse nor armour joy,
- But for to moyste his haire with Mirrhe, and put on garlands gay,
- And in soft Purple silke and golde his bodie to aray.
- But put to you your helping hand and straight without delay
- I will compell him poynt by poynt his lewdnesse to bewray,
- Both in usurping Joves high name in making him his sonne
- And forging of these Ceremonies lately now begonne.
- Hath King Atrisius heart inough this fondling for to hate
- That makes himselfe to be a God? and for to shut the gate
- Of Argus at his comming there? and shall this rover make
- King Penthey and the noble towne of Thebae thus to quake?
- Go quickly sirs (these wordes he spake unto his servaunts) go
- And bring the Captaine hither bound with speede. Why stay ye so?
- His Grandsire Cadmus, Athamas and others of his kinne
- Reproved him by gentle meanes but nothing could they winne:
- The more intreatance that they made the fiercer was he still:
- The more his friendes did go about to breake him of his will,
- The more they did provoke his wrath, and set his rage on fire:
- They made him worse in that they sought to bridle his desire.
- So have I seene a brooke ere this, where nothing let the streame,
- Runne smooth with little noyse or none, but where as any beame
- Or cragged stones did let his course, and make him for to stay:
- It went more fiercely from the stoppe with fomie wroth away.
- Beholde all bloudie come his men, and straight he them demaunded
- Where Bacchus was, and why they had not done as he commaunded.
- Sir (aunswerde they) we saw him not, but this same fellow heere
- A chiefe companion in his traine and worker in this geere,
- Wee tooke by force: and therewithall presented to their Lord
- A certaine man of Tirrhene lande, his handes fast bound with cord,
- Whome they, frequenting Bacchus rites had found but late before.
- A grim and cruell looke which yre did make to seeme more sore,
- Did Penthey cast upon the man. And though he scarcely stayd
- From putting him to tormentes strait, O wretched man (he sayde)
- Who by thy worthie death shalt be a sample unto other,
- Declare to me the names of thee, thy father and thy mother,
- And in what Countrie thou wert borne, and what hath caused thee,
- Of these straunge rites and sacrifice, a follower for to bee.