

Ovid. The XV bookes of P. Ouidius Naso, entytuled Metamorphosis. Golding, Arthur, translator. London: W. Seres (printer), 1567.

  1. The lustie earth of owne accorde soone after forth did bring
  2. According to their sundrie shapes eche other living thing,
  3. As soone as that the moysture once caught heate against the Sunne,
  4. And that the fat and slimie mud in moorish groundes begunne
  5. To swell through warmth of Phebus beames, and that the fruitfull seede
  6. Of things well cherisht in the fat and lively soyle in deede,
  7. As in their mothers wombe, began in length of time to grow,
  8. To one or other kinde of shape wherein themselves to show.
  9. Even so when that seven mouthed Nile the watrie fieldes forsooke,
  10. And to his auncient channel eft his bridled streames betooke,
  11. So that the Sunne did heate the mud, the which he left behinde,
  12. The husbandmen that tilde the ground, among the cloddes did finde
  13. Of sundrie creatures sundrie shapes: of which they spied some,
  14. Even in the instant of their birth but newly then begonne,
  15. And some unperfect, wanting brest or shoulders in such wise,
  16. That in one bodie oftentimes appeared to the eyes
  17. One halfe thereof alive to be, and all the rest beside
  18. Both voyde of life and seemely shape, starke earth to still abide.
  19. For when that moysture with the heate is tempred equally,
  20. They doe conceyve: and of them twaine engender by and by
  21. All kinde of things. For though that fire with water aye debateth
  22. Yet moysture mixt with equall heate all living things createth.
  23. And so those discordes in their kinde, one striving with the other,
  24. In generation doe agree and make one perfect mother.
  25. And therfore when the mirie earth bespred with slimie mud,
  26. Brought over all but late before by violence of the flud,
  27. Caught heate by warmnesse of the Sunne, and calmenesse of the skie,
  28. Things out of number in the worlde, forthwith it did applie.
  29. Whereof in part the like before in former times had bene,
  30. And some so straunge and ougly shapes as never erst were sene.
  31. In that she did such Monsters breede, was greatly to hir woe,
  32. But yet thou, ougly Python, wert engendred by hir thoe.
  33. A terror to the newmade folke, which never erst had knowne
  34. So foule a Dragon in their lyfe, so monstrously foregrowne;
  35. So great a ground thy poyson paunch did underneath thee hide.
  36. The God of shooting who no where before that present tide
  37. Those kinde of weapons put in ure, but at the speckled Deare,
  38. Or at the Roes so wight of foote, a thousand shaftes well neere,
  39. Did on that hideous serpent spende: of which there was not one,
  40. But forced forth the venimd bloud along his sydes to gone.
  41. So that his quiver almost voyde, he nailde him to the grounde,
  42. And did him nobly at the last by force of shot confounde.
  43. And least that time might of this worke deface the worthy fame,
  44. He did ordeyne in mynde thereof a great and solemne game,
  45. Which of the serpent that he slue of Pythians bare the name.
  46. Where who so could the maistrie winne in feates of strength, or sleight
  47. Of hande or foote or rolling wheele, might claime to have of right,
  48. An Oken garland fresh and brave. There was not any wheare
  49. As yet a Bay: by meanes whereof was Phebus faine to weare
  50. The leaves of every pleasant tree about his golden heare.
  1. Peneian Daphne was the first where Phebus set his love,
  2. Which not blind chaunce but Cupids fierce and cruel wrath did move.
  3. The Delian God but late before surprisde with passing pride
  4. For killing of the monstrous worme, the God of love espide,
  5. With bowe in hand alredy bent and letting arrowes go:
  6. To whome he sayd, and what hast thou thou wanton baby so
  7. With warlike weapons for to toy? It were a better sight,
  8. To see this kinde of furniture on my two shoulders bright:
  9. Who when we list with stedfast hand both man and beast can wound,
  10. Who tother day wyth arrowes keene, have nayled to the ground
  11. The serpent Python so forswolne, whose filthie wombe did hide
  12. So many acres of the grounde in which he did abide.
  13. Content thy selfe sonne, sorie loves to kindle with thy brand,
  14. For these our prayses to attaine thou must not take in hand.
  15. To him quoth Venus sonne againe, well Phebus I agree
  16. Thy bow to shoote at every beast, and so shall mine at thee
  17. And looke how far that under God eche beast is put by kinde,
  18. So much thy glorie lesse than ours in shooting shalt thou finde.
  19. This saide, with drift of fethered wings in broken ayre he flue,
  20. And to the forkt and shadie top of Mount Parnasus drue.
  21. There from hys quiver full of shafts two arrowes did he take
  22. Of sundrie workes: t'one causeth Love, the tother doth it slake.
  23. That causeth love, is all of golde with point full sharpe and bright,
  24. That chaseth love is blunt, whose stele with leaden head is dight.
  25. The God this fired in the Nymph Peneis for the nones:
  26. The tother perst Apollos heart and overraft his bones.
  27. Immediatly in smoldring heate of Love the t'one did swelt,
  28. Againe the tother in hir heart no sparke nor motion felt.
  29. In woods and forrests is hir joy, the savage beasts to chase,
  30. And as the price of all hir paine to take the skinne and case.
  31. Unwedded Phebe doth she haunt and follow as hir guide,
  32. Unordred doe hir tresses wave scarce in a fillet tide.
  33. Full many a wooer sought hir love, she lothing all the rout,
  34. Impacient and without a man walkes all the woods about.
  35. And as for Hymen, or for love, and wedlocke often sought
  36. She tooke no care, they were the furthest end of all hir thought.
  37. Hir father many a time and oft would saye: My daughter deere,
  38. Thow owest me a sonneinlaw to be thy lawfull feere.
  39. Hir father many a time and oft would say: My daughter deere,
  40. Of Nephewes thou my debtour art, their Graundsires heart to cheere.
  41. She hating as a haynous crime the bonde of bridely bed
  42. Demurely casting downe hir eyes, and blushing somwhat red,
  43. Did folde about hir fathers necke with fauning armes: and sed:
  44. Deare father, graunt me while I live my maidenhead for to have,
  45. As to Diana here tofore hir father freely gave.
  46. Thy father (Daphne) could consent to that thou doest require,
  47. But that thy beautie and thy forme impugne thy chaste desire:
  48. So that thy will and his consent are nothing in this case,
  49. By reason of the beautie bright that shineth in thy face.
  50. Apollo loves and longs to have this Daphne to his Feere,
  51. And as he longs he hopes, but his foredoomes doe fayle him there.
  52. And as light hame when corne is reapt, or hedges burne with brandes,
  53. That passers by when day drawes neere throwe loosely fro their handes,
  54. So into flames the God is gone and burneth in his brest
  55. And feedes his vaine and barraine love in hoping for the best.
  56. Hir haire unkembd about hir necke downe flaring did he see,
  57. O Lord and were they trimd (quoth he) how seemely would she bee?
  58. He sees hir eyes as bright as fire the starres to represent,
  59. He sees hir mouth which to have seene he holdes him not content.
  60. Hir lillie armes mid part and more above the elbow bare,
  61. Hir handes, hir fingers and hir wrystes, him thought of beautie rare.
  62. And sure he thought such other parts as garments then did hyde,
  63. Excelled greatly all the rest the which he had espyde.
  64. But swifter than the whyrling winde shee flees and will not stay,
  65. To give the hearing to these wordes the which he had to say:
  66. I pray thee Nymph Penaeis stay, I chase not as a fo:
  67. Stay Nymph: the Lambes so flee the Wolves, the Stags the Lions so.
  68. With flittring feathers sielie Doves so from the Gossehauke flie,
  69. And every creature from his foe. Love is the cause that I
  70. Do followe thee: alas alas how would it grieve my heart,
  71. To see thee fall among the briers, and that the bloud should start
  72. Out of thy tender legges, I, wretch, the causer of thy smart.
  73. The place is rough to which thou runst, take leysure I thee pray,
  74. Abate thy flight, and I my selfe my running pace will stay.
  75. Yet would I wishe thee take advise, and wisely for to viewe
  76. What one he is that for thy grace in humble wise doth sewe.
  77. I am not one that dwelles among the hilles and stonie rockes,
  78. I am no sheepehearde with a Curre, attending on the flockes:
  79. I am no Carle nor countrie Clowne, nor neathearde taking charge
  80. Of cattle grazing here and there within this Forrest large.
  81. Thou doest not know, poore simple soule, God wote thou dost not knowe,
  82. From whome thou fleest. For if thou knew, thou wouldste not flee me so.
  83. In Delphos is my chiefe abode, my Temples also stande
  84. At Glaros and at Patara within the Lycian lande.
  85. And in the Ile of Tenedos the people honour mee.
  86. The king of Gods himselfe is knowne my father for to bee.
  87. By me is knowne that was, that is, and that that shall ensue,
  88. By mee men learne to sundrie tunes to frame sweete ditties true.
  89. In shooting have I stedfast hand, but surer hand had hee
  90. That made this wound within my heart that heretofore was free.
  91. Of Phisicke and of surgerie I found the Artes for neede,
  92. The powre of everie herbe and plant doth of my gift proceede.
  93. Nowe wo is me that nere an herbe can heale the hurt of love
  94. And that the Artes that others helpe their Lord doth helpelesse prove.