

Ovid. Metamorphoses. More, Brookes, translator. Boston: Cornhill Publishing Co., 1922.

  1. Then, recollecting how the Trojans had
  2. derived their origin from Teucer's race,
  3. they sailed to Crete but there could not endure
  4. ills sent by Jove, and, having left behind
  5. the hundred cities, they desired to reach
  6. the western harbors of the Ausonian land.
  7. Wintry seas then tossed the heroic band,
  8. and in a treacherous harbor of those isles,
  9. called Strophades, Aello frightened them.
  10. They passed Dulichium's port, and Ithaca,
  11. Samos, and all the homes of Neritos,—
  12. the kingdom of the shrewd deceitful man,
  13. Ulysses; and they reached Ambracia,
  14. contended for by those disputing gods;
  15. which is today renowned abroad, because
  16. of Actian Apollo, and the stone
  17. seen there conspicuous as a transformed judge;
  18. they saw Dodona, vocal with its oaks;
  19. and also, the well known Chaonian bays,
  20. where sons of the Molossian king escaped
  21. with wings attached, from unavailing flames.
  22. They set their sails then for the neighboring land
  23. of the Phaeacians, rich with luscious fruit:
  24. then for Epirus and to Buthrotos,
  25. and came then to a mimic town of Troy,
  26. ruled by the Phrygian seer. With prophecies
  27. which Helenus, the son of Priam, gave,
  28. they came to Sicily, whose three high capes
  29. jut outward in the sea. Of these three points
  30. Pachynos faces towards the showery south;
  31. and Lilybaeum is exposed to soft
  32. delicious zephyrs; but Peloros looks
  33. out towards the Bears which never touch the sea.
  34. The Trojans came there. Favored by the tide,
  35. and active oars, by nightfall all the fleet
  36. arrived together on Zanclaean sands.
  37. Scylla upon the right infests the shore,
  38. Charybdis, restless on the left, destroys.
  39. Charybdis swallows and then vomits forth
  40. misfortuned ships that she has taken down;
  41. Scylla's dark waist is girt with savage dogs.
  42. She has a maiden's face, and, if we may believe
  43. what poets tell, she was in olden time
  44. a maiden. Many suitors courted her,
  45. but she repulsed them; and, because she was
  46. so much beloved by all the Nereids,
  47. she sought these nymphs and used to tell
  48. how she escaped from the love-stricken youths.
  49. But Galatea, while her loosened locks
  50. were being combed, said to her visitor,—
  51. “Truly, O maiden, a gentle race of men
  52. courts you, and so you can, and do, refuse
  53. all with impunity. But I, whose sire
  54. is Nereus, whom the azure Doris bore,
  55. though guarded by so many sister nymphs,
  56. escaped the Cyclops' love with tragic loss.”
  57. And, sobbing, she was choked with tears.
  58. When with her fingers, marble white and smooth,
  59. Scylla had wiped away the rising tears
  60. of sorrow and had comforted the nymph,
  61. she said, “Tell me, dear goddess, and do not
  62. conceal from me (for I am true to you)
  63. the cause of your great sorrows.” And the nymph,
  64. daughter of Nereus, thus replied to her:—
  1. “Acis, the son of Faunus and the nymph
  2. Symaethis, was a great delight to his
  3. dear father and his mother, but even more
  4. to me, for he alone had won my love.
  5. Eight birthdays having passed a second time,
  6. his tender cheeks were marked with softest down.
  7. “While I pursued him with a constant love,
  8. the Cyclops followed me as constantly.
  9. And, should you ask me, I could not declare
  10. whether my hatred of him, or my love
  11. of Acis was the stronger.—They were equal.
  12. “O gentle Venus! what power equals yours!
  13. That savage, dreaded by the forest trees,
  14. feared by the stranger who beholds his face
  15. contemner of Olympus and the gods,
  16. now he can feel what love is. He is filled
  17. with passion for me. He burns hot for me,
  18. forgetful of his cattle and his caves.
  19. “Now, Polyphemus, wretched Cyclops, you
  20. are careful of appearance, and you try
  21. the art of pleasing. You have even combed
  22. your stiffened hair with rakes: it pleases you
  23. to trim your shaggy beard with sickles, while
  24. you gaze at your fierce features in a pool
  25. so earnest to compose them. Love of flesh,
  26. ferocity and your keen thirst for blood
  27. have ceased. The ships may safely come and go!
  28. “While all this happened, Telemus arrived
  29. at the Sicilian Aetna—Telemus,
  30. the son of Eurymus, who never could
  31. mistake an omen, met the dreadful fierce,
  32. huge Cyclops, Polyphemus, and he said,
  33. ‘That single eye now midmost in your brow
  34. Ulysses will take from you.’ In reply,
  35. the Cyclops only laughed at him and said,
  36. ‘Most silly of the prophets! you are wrong,
  37. a maiden has already taken it!’
  38. So he made fun of Telemus, who warned
  39. him vainly of the truth—and after that,
  40. he either burdened with his bulk the shore,
  41. by stalking back and forth with lengthy strides,
  42. or came back weary to his shaded cave.
  43. “A wedge-formed hill projects far in the sea
  44. and either side there flow the salty waves.
  45. To this the giant savage climbed and sat
  46. upon the highest point. The wooly flock,
  47. no longer guided by him, followed after.
  48. There, after he had laid his pine tree down,
  49. which served him for a staff, although so tall
  50. it seemed best fitted for a ship's high mast,
  51. he played his shepherd pipes—in them I saw
  52. a hundred reeds. The very mountains felt
  53. the pipings of that shepherd, and the waves
  54. beneath him shook respondent to each note.
  55. All this time I was hidden by a rock,
  56. reclining on the bosom of my own
  57. dear Acis; and, although afar, I heard
  58. such words as these, which I can not forget:—
  59. ‘O Galatea, fairer than the flower
  60. of snow-white privet, and more blooming than
  61. the meadows, and more slender than the tall
  62. delightful alder, brighter than smooth glass,
  63. more wanton than the tender skipping kid,
  64. smoother than shells worn by continual floods,
  65. more pleasing than the winter sun, or than
  66. the summer shade, more beautiful than fruit
  67. of apple trees, more pleasing to the sight
  68. than lofty plane tree, clearer than pure ice,
  69. and sweeter than the ripe grape, softer than
  70. soft swan-down and the softest curdled milk;
  71. alas, and if you did not fly from me,
  72. I would declare you are more beautiful
  73. than any watered garden of this world.
  74. ‘And yet, O Galatea; I must say,
  75. that you are wilder than all untrained bullocks,
  76. harder than seasoned oak, more treacherous
  77. than tumbled waters, tougher than the twigs
  78. of osier and the white vine, harder to move
  79. than cliffs which front these waves, more violent
  80. than any torrent, you are prouder than
  81. the flattered peacock, fiercer than hot fire,
  82. rougher than thistles, and more cruel than
  83. the pregnant she-bear, deafer than the waves
  84. of stormy seas, more deadly savage than
  85. the trodden water-snake: and, (what I would
  86. endeavor surely to deprive you of)
  87. your speed is fleeter than the deer
  88. pursued by frightful barkings, and more swift
  89. than rapid storm-winds and the flitting air.
  90. ‘But Galatea, if you knew me well
  91. you would regret your hasty flight from me,
  92. and you would even blame your own delay,
  93. and strive for my affection. I now hold
  94. the choice part of this mountain for my cave,
  95. roofed over with the native rock. The sun
  96. is not felt in the heat of middle day,
  97. nor is the winter felt there: apples load
  98. the bending boughs and luscious grapes
  99. hang on the lengthened vines, resembling gold,
  100. and purple grapes as rich—I keep for you
  101. those two delicious fruits. With your own hands,
  102. you shall yourself uncover strawberries,
  103. growing so soft beneath the woodland shade;
  104. you shall pluck corners in the autumn ripe,
  105. and plums, not only darkened with black juice
  106. but larger kinds as yellow as new wax.
  107. If I may be your mate, you shall have chestnuts,
  108. fruits of the arbute shall be always near,
  109. and every tree shall yield at your desire.
  110. ‘The ewes here all are mine, and many more
  111. are wandering in the valleys; and the woods
  112. conceal a multitude—and many more
  113. are penned within my caves. If you perchance
  114. should ask me, I could never even guess
  115. or count the number; it is for the poor
  116. to count their cattle. Do not trust my word,
  117. but go yourself and see with your own eyes,
  118. how they can hardly stand up on their legs
  119. because of their distended udders' weight.
  120. ‘I have lambs also, as a future flock,
  121. kept in warm folds, and kids of their same age
  122. in other folds. I always have supplies
  123. of snow-white milk for drinking, and much more
  124. is hardened with good rennet liquefied.
  125. ‘The common joys of ordinary things
  126. will not be all you should expect of me—
  127. tame does and hares and she-goats or a pair
  128. of doves, or even a nest from a tall tree—
  129. for I have found upon a mountain top,
  130. the twin cubs of a shaggy wild she-bear,
  131. of such appearance you can hardly know
  132. the one from other. They will play with you.
  133. The very day I found them I declared,
  134. these I will keep for my dear loved one's joy.
  135. ‘Do now but raise your shining head above
  136. the azure sea: come Galatea come,
  137. and do not scorn my presents. Certainly,
  138. I know myself, for only recently
  139. I saw my own reflection pictured clear
  140. in limpid water, and my features pleased
  141. and charmed me when I saw it. See how huge
  142. I am. Not even Jove in his high heaven
  143. is larger than my body: this I say
  144. because you tell me how imperial Jove
  145. surpasses.—Who is he? I never knew.
  146. ‘My long hair plentifully hangs to hide
  147. unpleasant features; as a grove of trees
  148. overshadowing my shoulders. Never think
  149. my body is uncomely, although rough,
  150. thick set with wiry bristles. Every tree
  151. without leaves is unseemly; every horse,
  152. unless a mane hangs on his tawny neck;
  153. feathers must cover birds; and their soft wool
  154. is ornamental on the best formed sheep:
  155. therefore a beard, and rough hair spread upon
  156. the body is becoming to all men.
  157. I have but one eye centered perfectly
  158. within my forehead, so it seems most like
  159. a mighty buckler. Ha! does not the Sun
  160. see everything from heaven? Yet it has
  161. but one eye.—
  162. ‘Galatea, you must know,
  163. my father is chief ruler in your sea,
  164. and therefor I now offer him to you
  165. as your own father-in-law—But oh, do take
  166. some pity on a suppliant,— and hear his prayer,
  167. for only unto you my heart is given.
  168. ‘I, who despise the power of Jove, his heavens
  169. and piercing lightnings, am afraid of you—
  170. your wrath more fearful than the lightning's flash—
  171. but I should be more patient under slights,
  172. if you avoided all men: why reject
  173. the Cyclops for the love that Acis gives?
  174. And why prefer his smiles to my embraces,
  175. but let him please himself, and let him please
  176. you, Galatea, though against my will.
  177. ‘If I am given an opportunity
  178. he will be shown that I have every strength
  179. proportioned to a body vast as mine:
  180. I will pull out his palpitating entrails,
  181. and scatter his torn limbs about the fields
  182. and over and throughout your salty waves;
  183. and then let him unite himself to you.—
  184. I burn so, and my slighted passion raves
  185. with greater fury and I seem to hold
  186. and carry Aetna in my breast—transferred
  187. there with its flames—Oh Galatea! can
  188. you listen to my passion thus unmoved!’
  189. “I saw all this; and, after he in vain
  190. had uttered such complaints, he stood up like
  191. a raging bull whose heifer has been lost,
  192. that cannot stand still, but must wander on
  193. through brush and forests, that he knows so well:
  194. when that fierce monster saw me and my Acis—
  195. we neither knew nor guessed our fate—he roared:
  196. ‘I see you and you never will again
  197. parade your love before me!’ In such a voice
  198. as matched his giant size. All Aetna shook
  199. and trembled at the noise; and I amazed
  200. with horror, plunged into the adjoining sea.
  201. “My loved one, Acis turned his back and fled
  202. and cried out, ‘Help me Galatea, help!
  203. 0, let your parents help me, and admit
  204. me safe within their realm; for I am now
  205. near my destruction!’ But the Cyclops rushed
  206. at him and hurled a fragment, he had torn
  207. out from the mountain, and although the extreme
  208. edge only of the rock could reach him there.
  209. It buried him entirely.
  210. “Then I did
  211. the only thing the Fates permitted me:
  212. I let my Acis take ancestral power
  213. of river deities. The purple blood
  214. flowed from beneath the rock, but soon
  215. the sanguine richness faded and became
  216. at first the color of a stream, disturbed
  217. and muddied by a shower. And presently
  218. it clarified.— The rock that had been thrown
  219. then split in two, and through the cleft a reed,
  220. stately and vigorous, arose to life.
  221. And soon the hollow mouth in the great rock,
  222. resounded with the waters gushing forth.
  223. And wonderful to tell, a youth emerged,
  224. the water flowing clear about his waist,
  225. his new horns circled with entwining reeds,
  226. and the youth certainly was Acis, though
  227. he was of larger stature and his face
  228. and features all were azure. Acis changed
  229. into a stream which ever since that time
  230. has flowed there and retained its former name.
  1. So Galatea, after she had told
  2. her sorrow, ceased; and, when the company
  3. had gone from there, the Nereids swam again
  4. in the calm and quiet waves. But Scylla soon
  5. returned (because she did not trust herself
  6. in deep salt waters) and she wandered there
  7. naked of garments on the thirsty sand;
  8. but, tired, by chance she found a lonely bay,
  9. and cooled her limbs with its enclosing waves.
  10. Then suddenly appeared a newly made
  11. inhabitant of that deep sea, whose name
  12. was Glaucus. Cleaving through the blue sea waves,
  13. he swam towards her. His shape had been transformed
  14. but lately for this watery life, while he
  15. was living at Anthedon in Euboea.—
  16. now he is lingering from desire for her
  17. he saw there and speaks whatever words
  18. he thought might stop her as she fled from him.
  19. Yet still she fled from him, and swift through fear,
  20. climbed to a mountain top above the sea.
  21. Facing the waves, it rose in one huge peak,
  22. parting the waters with a forest crown.
  23. She stood on that high summit quite secure:
  24. and, doubtful whether he might be a god
  25. or monster, wondered at his flowing hair
  26. which covered his broad shoulders and his back,—
  27. and marvelled at the color of his skin
  28. and at his waist merged into a twisted fish.
  29. All this he noticed, and while leaning there
  30. against a rock that stood near by, he said: —
  31. “I am no monster, maiden, I am not
  32. a savage beast; I am in truth a god
  33. of waters, with such power upon the seas
  34. as that of Proteus, Triton, or Palaemon—
  35. reared on land the son of Athamas.
  36. “Not long ago I was a mortal man,
  37. yet even then my thought turned to the sea
  38. and all my living came from waters deep,
  39. for I would drag the nets that swept up fish,
  40. or, seated on a rock, I flung the line
  41. forth from the rod. The shore I loved was near
  42. a verdant meadow. One side were the waves,
  43. the other grass, which never had been touched
  44. by horned, grazing cattle. Harmless sheep
  45. and shaggy goats had never cropped it—no
  46. industrious bee came there to harvest flowers;
  47. no festive garlands had been gathered there,
  48. adornments of the head; no mower's hands
  49. had ever cut it. I was certainly
  50. the first who ever sat upon that turf,—
  51. while I was drying there the dripping nets.
  52. And so that I might in due order count
  53. the fish that I had caught, I laid out those
  54. which by good chance were driven into my nets,
  55. or credulous, were caught on my barbed hooks.
  56. “It all seems like a fiction (but what good
  57. can I derive from fictions?) just as soon
  58. as any of my fish-prey touched the grass,
  59. they instantly began to move and skip
  60. as usual in sea water. While I paused
  61. and wondered, all of them slid to the waves,
  62. and left me, their late captor, and the shore.
  63. “I was amazed and doubtful, a long time;
  64. while I considered what could be the cause.
  65. What god had done this? Or perhaps the juice
  66. of some herb caused it? ‘But,’ I said, ‘what herb
  67. can have such properties?’ and with my hand
  68. I plucked the grass and chewed it with my teeth.
  69. My throat had hardly time to swallow those
  70. unheard of juices, when I suddenly
  71. felt all my entrails throbbing inwardly,
  72. and my entire mind also, felt possessed
  73. by passions foreign to my life before.
  74. “I could not stay in that place, and I said
  75. with shouting, ‘Farewell! dry land! never more
  76. shall I revisit you;’ and with those words
  77. upon my lips, I plunged beneath the waves.
  78. The gods of that deep water gave to me,
  79. when they received me, kindred honors, while
  80. they prayed Oceanus and Tethys both
  81. to take from me such mortal essence as
  82. might yet remain. So I was purified
  83. by them and after a good charm had been
  84. nine times repeated over me, which washed
  85. away all guilt, I was commanded then
  86. to put my breast beneath a hundred streams.
  87. “So far I can relate to you all things
  88. most worthy to be told; for all so far
  89. I can remember; but from that time on
  90. I was unconscious of the many things
  91. that followed. When my mind returned to me,
  92. I found myself entirely different
  93. from what I was before; and my changed mind
  94. was not the same as it had always been.
  95. Then, for the first time I beheld this beard
  96. so green in its deep color, and I saw
  97. my flowing hair which now I sweep along
  98. the spacious seas, and my huge shoulders with
  99. their azure colored arms, and I observed
  100. my leg extremities hung tapering
  101. exactly perfect as a finny fish.
  102. “But what avail is this new form to me.
  103. Although it pleased the Ocean deities?
  104. What benefit, although I am a god,
  105. if you are not persuaded by these things?”
  106. While he was telling wonders such as these—
  107. quite ready to say more—Scylla arose
  108. and left the god. Provoked at his repulse—
  109. enraged, he hastened to the marvellous court
  110. of Circe, well known daughter of the Sun.
  1. Now the Euboean dweller in great waves,
  2. Glaucus, had left behind the crest of Aetna,
  3. raised upward from a giant's head; and left
  4. the Cyclops' fields, that never had been torn
  5. by harrow or by plough and never were
  6. indebted to the toil of oxen yoked;
  7. left Zancle, also, and the opposite walls
  8. of Rhegium, and the sea, abundant cause
  9. of shipwreck, which confined with double shores
  10. bounds the Ausonian and Sicilian lands.
  11. All these behind him, Glaucus, swimming on
  12. with his huge hands through those Tyrrhenian seas,
  13. drew near the hills so rich in magic herbs
  14. and halls of Circe, daughter of the Sun,—
  15. halls filled with men in guise of animals.
  16. After due salutations had been given—
  17. received by her as kindly—Glaucus said,
  18. “You as a goddess, certainly should have
  19. compassion upon me, a god; for you
  20. alone (if I am worthy of it) can
  21. relieve my passion. What the power of herbs
  22. can be, Titania, none knows more than I,
  23. for by their power I was myself transformed.
  24. To make the cause of my strange madness known,
  25. I have found Scylla on Italian shores,
  26. directly opposite Messenian walls.
  27. “It shames me to recount my promises,
  28. entreaties, and caresses, and at last
  29. rejection of my suit. If you have known
  30. a power of incantation, I implore
  31. you now repeat that incantation here,
  32. with sacred lips—If herbs have greater power,
  33. use the tried power of herbs. But I would not
  34. request a cure—the healing of this wound.
  35. Much better than an end of pain, let her
  36. share, and feel with me my impassioned flame.”
  37. But Circe was more quick than any other
  38. to burn with passion's flame. It may have been
  39. her nature or it may have been the work
  40. of Venus, angry at her tattling sire.
  41. “You might do better,” she replied, “to court
  42. one who is willing, one who wants your love,
  43. and feels a like desire. You did deserve
  44. to win her love, yes, to be wooed yourself.
  45. In fact you might be. If you give some hope,
  46. you have my word, you shall indeed be wooed.
  47. That you may have no doubt, and so retain
  48. all confidence in your attraction's power—
  49. behold! I am a goddess, and I am
  50. the daughter also, of the radiant Sun!
  51. And I who am so potent with my charms,
  52. and I who am so potent with my herbs,
  53. wish only to be yours. Despise her who
  54. despises you, and her who is attached
  55. to you repay with like attachment—so
  56. by one act offer each her just reward.”
  57. But Glaucus answered her attempt of love,
  58. “The trees will sooner grow in ocean waves,
  59. the sea-weed sooner grow on mountain tops,
  60. than I shall change my love for graceful! Scylla.”
  61. The goddess in her jealous rage could not
  62. and would not injure him, whom she still loved,
  63. but turned her wrath upon the one preferred.
  64. She bruised immediately the many herbs
  65. most infamous for horrid juices, which,
  66. when bruised, she mingled with most artful care
  67. and incantations given by Hecate.
  68. Then, clothed in azure vestments, she passed through
  69. her troop of fawning savage animals,
  70. and issued from the center of her hall.
  71. Pacing from there to Rhegium, opposite
  72. the dangerous rocks of Zancle, she at once
  73. entered the tossed waves boiling up with tides:
  74. on these as if she walked on the firm shore,
  75. she set her feet and, hastening on dry shod,
  76. she skimmed along the surface of the deep.
  77. Not far away there was an inlet curved,
  78. round as a bent bow, which was often used
  79. by Scylla as a favorite retreat.
  80. There, she withdrew from heat of sea and sky
  81. when in the zenith blazed the unclouded sun
  82. and cast the shortest shadows on the ground.
  83. Circe infected it before that hour,
  84. polluting it with monster-breeding drugs.
  85. She sprinkled juices over it, distilled
  86. from an obnoxious root, and thrice times nine
  87. she muttered over it with magic lips,
  88. her most mysterious charm involved in words
  89. of strangest import and of dubious thought.
  90. Scylla came there and waded in waist deep,
  91. then saw her loins defiled with barking shapes.
  92. Believing they could be no part of her,
  93. she ran and tried to drive them back and feared
  94. the boisterous canine jaws. But what she fled
  95. she carried with her. And, feeling for her thighs,
  96. her legs, and feet, she found Cerberian jaws
  97. instead. She rises from a rage of dogs,
  98. and shaggy backs encircle her shortened loins.
  99. The lover Glaucus wept. He fled the embrace
  100. of Circe and her hostile power of herbs
  101. and magic spells. But Scylla did not leave
  102. the place of her disaster; and, as soon
  103. as she had opportunity, for hate
  104. of Circe, she robbed Ulysses of his men.
  105. She would have wrecked the Trojan ships, if she
  106. had not been changed beforehand to a rock
  107. which to this day reveals a craggy rim.
  108. And even the rock awakes the sailors' dread.
  1. After the Trojan ships, pushed by their oars,
  2. had safely passed by Scylla and the fierce
  3. Charybdis, and with care had then approached
  4. near the Ausonian shore, a roaring gale
  5. bore them far southward to the Libyan coast.
  6. And then Sidonian Dido, who was doomed
  7. not calmly to endure the loss of her
  8. loved Phrygian husband, graciously received
  9. Aeneas to her home and her regard:
  10. and on a pyre, erected with pretense
  11. of holy rites, she fell upon the sword.
  12. Deceived herself, she there deceived them all.
  13. Aeneas, fleeing the new walls built on
  14. that sandy shore, revisited the land
  15. of Eryx and Acestes, his true friend.
  16. There he performed a hallowed sacrifice
  17. and paid due honor to his father's tomb.
  18. And presently he loosened from that shore
  19. the ships which Iris, Juno's minister,
  20. had almost burned; and sailing, passed far off
  21. the kingdom of the son of Hippotas,
  22. in those hot regions smoking with the fumes
  23. of burning sulphur, and he left behind
  24. the rocky haunt of Achelous' daughters,
  25. the Sirens. Then, when his good ship had lost
  26. the pilot, he coasted near Inarime,
  27. near Prochyta, and near the barren hill
  28. which marks another island, Pithecusae,
  29. an island named from strange inhabitants.
  30. The father of the gods abhorred the frauds
  31. and perjuries of the Cercopians
  32. and for the crimes of that bad treacherous race,
  33. transformed its men to ugly animals,
  34. appearing unlike men, although like men.
  35. He had contracted and had bent their limbs,
  36. and flattened out their noses, bent back towards
  37. their foreheads; he had furrowed every face
  38. with wrinkles of old age, and made them live
  39. in that spot, after he had covered all
  40. their bodies with long yellow ugly hair.
  41. Besides all that, he took away from them
  42. the use of language and control of tongues,
  43. so long inclined to dreadful perjury;
  44. and left them always to complain of life
  45. and their ill conduct in harsh jabbering.
  1. After Aeneas had passed by all those
  2. and seen to his right hand the distant walls
  3. guarding the city of Parthenope,
  4. he passed on his left hand a mound,
  5. grave of the tuneful son of Aeolus.
  6. Landing on Cumae's marshy shore, he reached
  7. a cavern, home of the long lived Sibylla,
  8. and prayed that she would give him at the lake,
  9. Avernus, access to his father's shade.
  10. She raised her countenance, from gazing on
  11. the ground, and with an inspiration given
  12. to her by influence of the god, she said,
  13. “Much you would have, O man of famous deeds,
  14. whose courage is attested by the sword,
  15. whose filial piety is proved by flame.
  16. But, Trojan, have no fear. I grant your wish,
  17. and with my guidance you shall look upon
  18. the latest kingdom of the world, shall see
  19. Elysian homes and your dear father's shade,
  20. for virtue there is everywhere a way.”
  21. She spoke, and pointed out to him a branch
  22. refulgent with bright gold, found in the woods
  23. of Juno of Avernus, and commanded him
  24. to pluck it from the stem. Aeneas did
  25. what she advised him. Then he saw the wealth
  26. of the dread Orcus, and he saw his own
  27. ancestors, and beheld the aged ghost
  28. of great Anchises. There he learned the laws
  29. of that deep region, and what dangers must
  30. be undergone by him in future wars.
  31. Retracing with his weary steps the path
  32. up to the light, he found relief from toil
  33. in converse with the sage Cumaean guide.
  34. While in thick dusk he trod the frightful way,
  35. “Whether you are a deity,” he said,
  36. “Or human and most favored by the gods,
  37. to me you always will appear divine.
  38. I will confess, too, my existence here
  39. is due to your kind aid, for by your will
  40. I visited the dark abodes of death,
  41. and I escaped the death which I beheld.
  42. For this great service, when I shall emerge
  43. into the sunlit air, I will erect
  44. for you a temple and will burn for you
  45. sweet incense kindled at the altar flame.”
  46. The prophetess looked on him and with sighs,
  47. “I am no goddess,” she replied, “nor is
  48. it well to honor any mortal head
  49. with tribute of the holy frankincense.
  50. And, that you may not err through ignorance,
  51. I tell you life eternal without end
  52. was;offered to me, if I would but yield
  53. virginity to Phoebus for his love.
  54. And, while he hoped for this and in desire
  55. offered to bribe me for my virtue, first
  56. with gifts, he said, ‘Maiden of Cumae choose
  57. whatever you may wish, and you shall gain
  58. all that you wish.’ I pointed to a heap
  59. of dust collected there, and foolishly
  60. replied, ‘As many birthdays must be given
  61. to me as there are particles of sand.’
  62. “For I forgot to wish them days of changeless youth.
  63. He gave long life and offered youth besides,
  64. if I would grant his wish. This I refused,
  65. I live unwedded still. My happier time
  66. has fled away, now comes with tottering step
  67. infirm old age, which I shall long endure.
  68. You find me ending seven long centuries,
  69. and there remain for me, before my years
  70. equal the number of those grains of sand,
  71. three hundred harvests, three hundred vintages!
  72. The time will come, when long increase of days
  73. will so contract me from my present size
  74. and so far waste away my limbs with age
  75. that I shall dwindle to a trifling weight,
  76. so trifling, it will never be believed
  77. I once was loved and even pleased a god.
  78. Perhaps, even Phoebus will not recognize me,
  79. or will deny he ever bore me love.
  80. But, though I change till eye would never know me,
  81. my voice shall live, the fates will leave my voice.”
  1. Sibylla with such words beguild their way
  2. from Stygian realms up to the Euboean town.
  3. Trojan Aeneas, after he had made
  4. due sacrifice in Cumae, touched the shore
  5. that had not yet been given his nurse's name.
  6. There Macareus of Neritus had come,
  7. companion of long tried Ulysses, there
  8. he rested, weary of his lengthened toils.
  9. He recognized one left in Aetna's cave,
  10. greek Achaemenides, and, all amazed
  11. to find him yet alive, he said to him,
  12. “What chance, or what god, Achaemenides,
  13. preserves you? Why is this barbarian ship
  14. conveying you a Greek? What land is sought?”
  15. No longer ragged in the clothes he wore
  16. and his own master, wearing clothes not tacked
  17. with sharp thorns, Achaemenides replied,
  18. “Again may I see Polyphemus' jaws
  19. out-streaming with their slaughtered human blood;
  20. if my own home and Ithaca give more
  21. delight to me than this barbarian bark,
  22. or if I venerate Aeneas less
  23. than my own father. If I should give my all,
  24. it never could express my gratitude,
  25. that I can speak and breath, and see the heavens
  26. illuminated by the gleaming sun—
  27. how can I be ungrateful and forget all this?
  28. Because of him these limbs of mine were spared
  29. the Cyclops' jaws; and, though I were even now
  30. to leave the light of life, I should at worst
  31. be buried in a tomb—not in his maw.
  32. “What were my feelings when (unless indeed
  33. my terror had deprived me of all sense) left there,
  34. I saw you making for the open sea?
  35. I wished to shout aloud, but was afraid
  36. it would betray me to the enemy.
  37. The shoutings of Ulysses nearly caused
  38. destruction of your ship and there I saw
  39. the Cyclops, when he tore a crag away
  40. and hurled the huge rock in the whirling waves;
  41. I saw him also throw tremendous stones
  42. with his gigantic arms. They flew afar,
  43. as if impelled by catapults of war,
  44. I was struck dumb with terror lest
  45. the waves or stones might overwhelm the ship,
  46. forgetting that I still was on the shore!
  47. “But when your flight had saved you from that death
  48. of cruelty, the Cyclops, roaring rage,
  49. paced all about Mount Aetna, groping through
  50. its forests with his outstretched arms. Deprived
  51. of sight, he stumbled there against the rocks,
  52. until he reached the sea; and stretching out
  53. his gore stained arms into its waters there,
  54. he cursed all of the Grecian race, and said,
  55. ‘Oh! that some accident would carry back
  56. Ulysses to me, or but one of his
  57. companions; against whom my rage
  58. might vent itself, whose joints my hand might tear
  59. whose blood might drench my throat, whose living limbs
  60. might quiver in my teeth. How trifling then,
  61. how insignificant would be the loss,
  62. of my sight which he took from me!’
  63. “All this
  64. and more he said. A ghastly horror took
  65. possession of me when I saw his face
  66. and every feature streaming yet with blood,
  67. his ruthless hands, and the vile open space
  68. where his one eye had been, and his coarse limbs,
  69. and his beard matted through with human blood.
  70. “It seemed as if Death were before my eyes,
  71. yet that was but the least part of my woe.
  72. I seemed upon the point of being caught,
  73. my flesh about to be the food of his.
  74. Before my mind was fixed the time I saw
  75. two bodies of my loved companions
  76. dashed three or four times hard against the ground,
  77. when he above them, like a lion, crouched,
  78. devouring quickly in his hideous jaws,
  79. their entrails and their flesh and their crushed bones,
  80. white marrowed, and their mangled quivering limbs.
  81. A trembling fear seized on me as I stood
  82. pallid and without power to move from there,
  83. while I recalled him chewing greedily,
  84. and belching out his bloody banquet from
  85. his huge mouth—vomiting crushed pieces mixed
  86. with phlegmy wine—and I feared such a doom
  87. in readiness, awaited wretched me.
  88. “Most carefully concealed for many days,
  89. trembling at every sound and fearing death,
  90. although desiring death; I fed myself
  91. on grass and acorns, mixed with leaves; alone
  92. and destitute, despondent unto death,
  93. awaiting my destruction I lost hope.
  94. In that condition a long while, at last
  95. I saw a ship not far off, and by signs
  96. prayed for deliverance, as I ran in haste,
  97. down to the shore. My prayers prevailed on them.
  98. A Trojan ship took in and saved a Greek!
  99. “And now, O dearest to me of all men,
  100. tell me of your adventures, of your chief
  101. and comrades, when you sailed out on the sea.”
  1. Then Macareus told him of Aeolus,
  2. the son of Hippotas, whose kingdom is
  3. the Tuscan sea, whose prison holds the winds,
  4. and how Ulysses had received the winds
  5. tied in a bull's hide bag, an awesome gift,
  6. how nine days with a favoring breeze they sailed
  7. and saw afar their longed for native land.
  8. How, as the tenth day dawned, the crew was moved
  9. by envy and a lust for gold, which they
  10. imagined hidden in that leathern bag
  11. and so untied the thong which held the winds.
  12. These, rushing out, had driven the vessel back
  13. over the waves which they had safely passed,
  14. back to the harbor of King Aeolus.
  15. “From there,” he said, “we sailed until we reached
  16. the ancient city of Lamus, Laestrygon.—
  17. Antiphates was reigning in that land,
  18. and I was sent with two men of our troop,
  19. ambassadors to see him. Two of us
  20. escaped with difficulty, but the third
  21. stained the accursed Lestrygonian's jaws
  22. with his devoted blood. Antiphates
  23. pursued us, calling out his murderous horde.
  24. They came and, hurling stones and heavy beams,
  25. they overwhelmed and sank both ships and men.
  26. One ship escaped, on which Ulysses sailed.
  27. “Grieving, lamenting for companions lost,
  28. we finally arrived at that land which
  29. you may discern far off, and, trust my word,
  30. far off it should be seen—I saw it near!
  31. And oh most righteous Trojan, Venus' son,
  32. Aeneas, whom I call no more a foe,
  33. I warn you now: avoid the shores of Circe.
  34. “We moored our ship beside that country too;
  35. but, mindful of the dangers we had run
  36. with Laestrygons and cruel Polyphemus,
  37. refused to go ashore. Ulysses chose
  38. some men by lot and told them to seek out
  39. a roof which he had seen among the trees.
  40. The lot took me, then staunch Polytes next,
  41. Eurylochus, Elpenor fond of wine,
  42. and eighteen more and brought us to the walls
  43. of Circe's dwelling.
  44. “As we drew near and stood
  45. before the door, a thousand wolves rushed out
  46. from woods near by, and with the wolves there ran
  47. she bears and lionesses, dread to see.
  48. And yet we had no cause to fear, for none
  49. would harm us with the smallest scratch.
  50. Why, they in friendship even wagged their tails
  51. and fawned upon us, while we stood in doubt.
  52. “Then handmaids took us in and led us on
  53. through marble halls to the presence of their queen.
  54. She, in a beautiful recess, sat on her throne,
  55. clad richly in a shining purple robe,
  56. and over it she wore a golden veil.
  57. Nereids and nymphs, who never carded fleece
  58. with motion of their fingers, nor drew out
  59. a ductile thread, were setting potent herbs
  60. in proper order and arranging them
  61. in baskets—a confusing wealth of flowers
  62. were scattered among leaves of every hue:
  63. and she prescribed the tasks they all performed.
  64. “She knew the natural use of every leaf
  65. and combinations of their virtues, when
  66. mixed properly; and, giving them her close
  67. attention, she examined every herb
  68. as it was weighed. When she observed us there,
  69. and had received our greetings and returned them,
  70. she smiled, as if we should be well received.
  71. At once she had her maidens bring a drink
  72. of parched barley, of honey and strong wine,
  73. and curds of milk. And in the nectarous draught
  74. she added secretly her baleful drugs.
  75. “We took the cups presented to us by
  76. her sacred right hand; and, as soon as we,
  77. so thirsty, quaffed them with our parching mouths,
  78. that ruthless goddess with her outstretched wand
  79. touched lightly the topmost hair upon our heads.
  80. (Although I am ashamed, I tell you this)
  81. stiff bristles quickly grew out over me,
  82. and I could speak no more. Instead of words
  83. I uttered hoarse murmurs and towards the ground
  84. began to bend and gaze with all my face.
  85. I felt my mouth take on a hardened skin
  86. with a long crooked snout, and my neck swell
  87. with muscles. With the very member which
  88. a moment earlier had received the cup
  89. I now made tracks in sand of the palace court.
  90. Then with my friends, who suffered a like change
  91. (charms have such power!) I was prisoned in a stye.
  92. “We saw Eurylochus alone avoid
  93. our swinish form, for he refused the cup.
  94. If he had drained it, I should still remain
  95. one of a bristly herd. Nor would his news
  96. have made Ulysses sure of our disaster
  97. and brought a swift avenger of our fate.
  98. “Peace bearing Hermes gave him a white flower
  99. from a black root, called Moly by the gods.
  100. With this protection and the god's advice
  101. he entered Circe's hall and, as she gave
  102. the treacherous cup and with her magic wand
  103. essayed to touch his hair, he drove her back
  104. and terrified her with his quick drawn sword.
  105. She gave her promise, and, right hands exchanged,
  106. he was received unharmed into her couch,
  107. where he required the bodies of his friends
  108. awarded him, as his prized marriage gift.
  109. “We then were sprinkled with more favored juice
  110. of harmless plants, and smitten on the head
  111. with the magic wand reversed. And new charms were
  112. repeated, all conversely to the charms
  113. which had degraded us. Then, as she sings,
  114. more and yet more we raise ourselves erect,
  115. the bristles fall off and the fissures leave
  116. our cloven feet, our shoulders overcome
  117. their lost shape and our arms become attached,
  118. as they had been before. With tears of joy
  119. we all embrace him, also weeping tears;
  120. and we cling fondly to our chieftain's neck;—
  121. not one of us could say a single word
  122. till thus we had attested gratitude.”
  123. “The full space of a year detained us there,
  124. and I, remaining that long stretch of time,
  125. saw many things and heard as much besides:
  126. and this among the many other things,
  127. was told me secretly by one of the four
  128. handmaidens of those rites. While Circe passed
  129. her time from all apart except my chief,
  130. she brought me to a white marble shape, a youth
  131. who bore a woodpecker upon his head.
  132. It stood erected in a hallowed place,
  133. adorned with many wreaths. When I had asked
  134. the statue's name and why he stood revered
  135. in that most sacred temple, and what caused
  136. that bird he carried on his head; she said:—
  137. ‘Listen, Macareus, and learn from this tale too
  138. the power of Circe, and weigh the knowledge well!’