

Ovid. Ovid's Art of Love (in three Books), the Remedy of Love, the Art of Beauty, the Court of Love, the History of Love, and Amours. Dryden, John, et al., translator. New York: Calvin Blanchard, 1855.

  1. Act what you please, yet study to disguise
  2. The wanton scenes from my deluded eyes.
  3. A stiff denial would attenuate
  4. That crime which your confession would make great.
  5. And 'twere unwise to trust the tell-tale light,
  6. With the dark secrets of the silent night.
  7. Tho' bought to be enjoy'd, a common whore
  8. Ere she begins will shut the chamber door:
  9. And will you turn debauch'd, then vainly own
  10. How lewd you are, to this malicious town?
  11. At least seem virtuous, and tho' false you be,
  12. Say you are honest, and I'll credit thee.
  13. Conceal your actions, and while I am by,
  14. Let modest words your looser thoughts belie;
  15. When to your private chamber you retire,
  16. Unmask your lust, and vent each warm desire;
  17. Throw off affected coyness, and remove
  18. The bold intruder between thee and love:
  19. Talk not of honour, lay that toy aside,