Ab urbe condita

Titus Livius (Livy)

Livy. History of Rome, Volumes 1-2. Roberts, Canon, Rev, translator. London, New York: J. M. Dent and Sons; E. P. Dutton and Co., 1912.

after they had taken it from the Volscians and destroyed it, and placing a colony on Samnite territory which the colonists called Fregellae.

If this insult and injury were not removed by those responsible for it, they would themselves exert all their strength to get rid of it The Roman ambassadors invited them to submit the questions at issue to arbitration before their common friends, but the Samnites replied: “Why should we beat about the bush?

No diplomacy, no arbitration can adjust our quarrel; arms and the fortune of war can alone decide the issue. We must meet in Campania.”

To which the Roman replied: “Roman soldiers will march not whither the enemy summons them, but whither their commander leads them.” Publilius meantime had taken up a suitable position between Palaeopolis and Neapolis in order to prevent them from rendering each other the mutual assistance they had hitherto given. The time for the elections was close at hand, and it would have been most inexpedient for the public interest to recall Publilius, as he was ready to attack the place and in daily expectation of effecting its capture.

An arrangement was accordingly made with the tribunes of the plebs to propose to the people that at the expiration

of his term of office Publilius should continue to act as proconsul till the war with the Greeks was brought to a close.

The same step was taken with regard to Cornelius, who had already entered Samnium, and written instructions were sent to him to nominate a Dictator to hold the elections. He nominated M. Claudius Marcellus, and Sp. Postumius was named by him Master of the Horse.

The elections, however, were not held by that Dictator, doubts having been raised as to whether the proper formalities had been observed in his nomination. The augurs, when consulted, declared that they had not been duly observed. The tribunes characterised their action as dishonest and iniquitous.

“How,” they asked, “could they know that there was any irregularity? The consul rose at midnight to nominate the Dictator; he had made no communication to any one either officially or privately about the matter;