Ab urbe condita

Titus Livius (Livy)

Livy. History of Rome, Volumes 1-2. Roberts, Canon, Rev, translator. London, New York: J. M. Dent and Sons; E. P. Dutton and Co., 1912.

One thousand five hundred colonists were sent, and each received two jugera [*](jugera. —One and a quarter acres, nearly. The jugerum=nearly 5/8 of an acre.) of land. In the year following the capture of Labici the consular tribunes were Menenius Lanatus, L. Servilius Structus, P. Lucretius Tricipitinus-each for the second time- and Spurius Veturius

Crassus. For the next year they were A. Sempronius Atratinus-for the third time- and M. Papirius Mugilanus and Sp. Nautius Rutilus- each for the second time. During these two years foreign affairs were quiet, but at home there were contentions over the agrarian laws.

The[*](Agrarian Proposals.) fomenters of the disturbance were Sp. Maecilius, who was tribune of the plebs for the fourth time, and M. Metilius, tribune for the third time; both had been elected in their absence.

They brought forward a measure providing that the territory taken from an enemy should be assigned to individual owners. If this were passed the fortunes of a large number of the nobility would be confiscated.

For as the City itself was founded upon foreign soil, it possessed hardly any territory which had not been won by arms, or which had become

private property by sale or assignment beyond what the plebeians possessed.[*](Only land fit for garden tillage or fruit trees was assigned to individual owners, i. e., plebeians. The forests, wastes, and pastures were State lands, i. e., occupied (not owned) by the patricians. As only land for tillage was allotted, a common pasture was absolutely necessary.) There seemed every prospect of a bitter conflict between the plebs and the patricians.

The consular tribunes, after discussing the matter in the senate and in private gatherings of patricians, were at a loss what to do, when Appius Claudius, the grandson of the old decemvir and the youngest senator present, rose to speak.

He is represented as saying that he was bringing from home an old device well known to his house. His grandfather, Appius Claudius, had pointed out to the senate the only way of breaking down the power of the tribunes, namely, through the interposition of their colleagues' veto.

Men who had risen from the masses were easily induced to change their opinions by the personal authority of the