Ab urbe condita

Titus Livius (Livy)

Livy. History of Rome, Volumes 1-2. Roberts, Canon, Rev, translator. London, New York: J. M. Dent and Sons; E. P. Dutton and Co., 1912.

Servilius, the Master of the Horse, was despatched by the Dictator to Maelius with the message: “The Dictator summons you.” Alarmed at the summons, he inquired what it meant. Servilius explained that he had to stand his trial and clear himself of the charge brought against him by Minucius in the senate.

On this Maelius retreated amongst his troop of adherents, and looking round at them began to slink away, when an officer by order of the Master of the Horse seized him and began to drag him away. The bystanders rescued him, and as he fled he implored “the protection of the Roman plebs,” and said that he was the victim of a conspiracy amongst the patricians, because he had acted generously towards the plebs.

He entreated them to come to his help in this terrible crisis, and not suffer him to be butchered before their eyes.

Whilst he was making these appeals, Servilius overtook him and slew him. Besprinkled with the dead man's blood, and surrounded by a troop of young patricians, he returned to the Dictator and reported that Maelius after being summoned to appear before him had driven away his officer and incited the populace to riot, and had now met with the punishment he deserved.

“Well done!” said the Dictator, “C. Servilius, you have delivered the republic.”

The populace did not know what to make of the deed and were becoming excited. The Dictator ordered them to be summoned to an Assembly. He declared that Maelius had been lawfully slain, even if he were guiltless of treason, because he had refused to come to the Dictator when summoned by the Master of the Horse.

He, Cincinnatus, had sat to investigate the case, after it had been investigated Maelius would have been treated in accordance with the result.