

Horace. The Odes and Carmen Saeculare of Horace. Conington, John, translator. London: George Bell and Sons, 1882.

  • Henceforth to live the happy isles among.
  • No, trust the Muse: she opes the good man's grave,
  • And lifts him to the gods. So Hercules,
  • His labours o'er, sits at the board of Jove:
  • So Tyndareus' offspring shine as stars above,
  • Saving lorn vessels from the yawning seas:
  • So Bacchus, with the vine-wreath round his hair,
  • Gives prosperous issue to his votary's prayer.
  • Think not those strains can e'er expire,
  • Which, cradled 'mid the echoing roar
  • Of Aufidus, to Latium's lyre
  • I sing with arts unknown before.