

Horace. The Odes and Carmen Saeculare of Horace. Conington, John, translator. London: George Bell and Sons, 1882.

  • And Peleus' son, when Troy's tall height
  • Was nigh his own,
  • Victorious else, for thee no peer,
  • Though, strong in his sea-parent's power,
  • He shook with that tremendous spear
  • The Dardan tower.
  • He, like a pine by axes sped,
  • Or cypress sway'd by angry gust,
  • Fell ruining, and laid his head
  • In Trojan dust.
  • Not his to lie in covert pent
  • Of the false steed, and sudden fall
  • On Priam's ill-starr'd merriment
  • In bower and hail:
  • His ruthless arm in broad bare day
  • The infant from the breast had torn,