

Horace. The Odes and Carmen Saeculare of Horace. Conington, John, translator. London: George Bell and Sons, 1882.

  • Hurrying, for an heir so base,
  • To gather riches. Money, root of ill,
  • Doubt it not, still grows apace:
  • Yet the scant heap has somewhat lacking still.
  • Whither, Bacchus, tear'st thou me.
  • FiIl'd with thy strength? What dens, what forests these,
  • Thus in wildering race I see?
  • What cave shall hearken to my melodies,
  • Tuned to tell of Caesar's praise
  • And throne him high the heavenly ranks among?
  • Sweet and strange shall be my lays,
  • A tale till now by poet voice unsung.