

Horace. The Odes and Carmen Saeculare of Horace. Conington, John, translator. London: George Bell and Sons, 1882.

  • But Jove and Venus mock'd with gay disdain
  • The jealous warder of that close stronghold:
  • The way, they knew, must soon be smooth and plain
  • When gods could change to gold.
  • Gold, gold can pass the tyrant's sentinel,
  • Can shiver rocks with more resistless blow
  • Than is the thunder's. Argos' prophet fell,
  • He and his house laid low,
  • And all for gain. The man of Macedon
  • Cleft gates of cities, rival kings o'erthrew
  • By force of gifts: their cunning snares have won
  • Rude captains and their crew.
  • As riches grow, care follows: men repine
  • And thirst for more. No lofty crest I raise:
  • Wisdom that thought forbids, Maecenas mine,
  • The knightly order's praise.
  • He that denies himself shall gain the more
  • From bounteous Heaven. I strip me of my pride,
  • Desert the rich man's standard, and pass o'er
  • To bare Contentment's side,