

Horace. The Odes and Carmen Saeculare of Horace. Conington, John, translator. London: George Bell and Sons, 1882.

  • Thee Dacians fierce, and Scythian hordes,
  • Peoples and towns, and Rome, their head,
  • And mothers of barbarian lords,
  • And tyrants in their purple dread,
  • Lest, spurn'd by thee in scorn, should fall
  • The state's tall prop, lest crowds on fire
  • To arms, to arms! the loiterers call,
  • And thrones be tumbled in the mire.
  • Necessity precedes thee still
  • With hard fierce eyes and heavy tramp:
  • Her hand the nails and wedges fill,
  • The molten lead and stubborn clamp.