

Horace. The Odes and Carmen Saeculare of Horace. Conington, John, translator. London: George Bell and Sons, 1882.

  • Who lov'st fierce shouts and helmets bright,
  • And Moorish warrior's glance of flame
  • Or e'er he smite!
  • Or Maia's son, if now awhile
  • In youthful guise we see thee here,
  • Caesar's avenger—such the style
  • Thou deign'st to bear;
  • Late be thy journey home, and long
  • Thy sojourn with Rome's family;
  • Nor let thy wrath at our great wrong
  • Lend wings to fly.
  • Here take our homage, Chief and Sire;
  • Here wreathe with bay thy conquering brow,
  • And bid the prancing Mede retire,
  • Our Caesar thou!
  • Thus may Cyprus' heavenly queen,
  • Thus Helen's brethren, stars of brightest sheen,
  • Guide thee! May the sire of wind
  • Each truant gale, save only Zephyr, bind!
  • So do thou, fair ship, that ow'st