

Vergil. The Aeneid of Virgil. Williams, Theodore, C, translator. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1910.

  1. They heard, and took their places. The loud horn
  2. gave signal, and impetuous from the line,
  3. swift as a bursting storm they sped away,
  4. eyes fixed upon the goal. Far in advance
  5. Nisus shot forward, swifter than the winds
  6. or winged thunderbolt; the next in course,
  7. next, but out-rivalled far, was Salius,
  8. and after him a space, Euryalus
  9. came third; him Helymus was hard upon;
  10. and, look! Diores follows, heel on heel,
  11. close at his shoulder—if the race be long
  12. he sure must win, or claim a doubtful prize.
  13. Now at the last stretch, spent and panting, all
  14. pressed to the goal, when in a slime of blood
  15. Nisus, hard fate! slipped down, where late the death
  16. of victims slain had drenched the turf below.
  17. Here the young victor, with his triumph flushed,
  18. lost foothold on the yielding ground, and plunged
  19. face forward in the pool of filth and gore;
  20. but not of dear Euryalus was he
  21. forgetful then, nor heedless of his friend;
  22. but rising from the mire he hurled himself
  23. in Salius' way; so he in equal plight
  24. rolled in the filthy slough. Euryalus
  25. leaped forth, the winner of the race by gift
  26. of his true friend, and flying to the goal
  27. stood first, by many a favoring shout acclaimed.
  28. Next Helymus ran in; and, for the third, last prize,
  29. Diores. But the multitude now heard
  30. the hollowed hill-side ringing with wild wrath
  31. from Salius, clamoring where the chieftains sate
  32. for restitution of his stolen prize,
  33. lost by a cheat. But general favor smiles
  34. upon Euryalus, whose beauteous tears
  35. commend him much, and nobler seems the worth
  36. of valor clothed in youthful shape so fair.
  37. Diores, too, assists the victor's claim,
  38. with loud appeal—he too has won a prize,
  39. and vainly holds his last place, if the first
  40. to Salius fall. Aeneas then replied:
  41. “Your gifts, my gallant youths, remain secure.
  42. None can re-judge the prize. But to console
  43. the misadventure of a blameless friend,
  44. is in my power.” Therewith to Salius
  45. an Afric lion's monstrous pelt he gave,
  46. with ponderous mane, the claws o'erlaid with gold.
  47. But Nisus cried: “If such a gift be found
  48. for less than victory, and men who fall
  49. are worthy so much sorrow, pray, what prize
  50. shall Nisus have? For surely I had won
  51. the proudest of the garlands, if one stroke
  52. of inauspicious fortune had not fallen
  53. on Salius and me.” So saying, he showed
  54. his smeared face and his sorry limbs befouled
  55. with mire and slime. Then laughed the gracious sire,
  56. and bade a shield be brought, the cunning work
  57. of Didymaon, which the Greeks tore down
  58. from Neptune's temple; with this noble gift
  59. he sent the high-born youth upon his way.
  1. The foot-race over and the gifts disbursed,
  2. “Come forth!” he cries, “if any in his heart
  3. have strength and valor, let him now pull on
  4. the gauntlets and uplift his thong-bound arms
  5. in challenge.” For the reward of this fight
  6. a two-fold gift he showed: the victor's meed,
  7. a bullock decked and gilded; but a sword
  8. and glittering helmet to console the fallen.
  9. Straightway, in all his pride of giant strength,
  10. Dares Ioomed up, and wondering murmurs ran
  11. along the gazing crowd; for he alone
  12. was wont to match with Paris, he it was
  13. met Butes, the huge-bodied champion
  14. boasting the name and race of Amycus,
  15. Bythinian-born; him felled he at a blow,
  16. and stretched him dying on the tawny sand.
  17. Such Dares was, who now held high his head,
  18. fierce for the fray, bared both his shoulders broad,
  19. lunged out with left and right, and beat the air.
  20. Who shall his rival be? Of all the throng
  21. not one puts on the gauntlets, or would face
  22. the hero's challenge. Therefore, striding forth,
  23. believing none now dare but yield the palm,
  24. he stood before Aeneas, and straightway
  25. seized with his left hand the bull's golden horn,
  26. and cried, “O goddess-born, if no man dares
  27. to risk him in this fight, how Iong delay?
  28. how Iong beseems it I should stand and wait?
  29. Bid me bear off my prize.” The Trojans all
  30. murmured assent, and bade the due award
  31. of promised gift. But with a brow severe
  32. Acestes to Entellus at his side
  33. addressed upbraiding words, where they reclined
  34. on grassy bank and couch of pleasant green:
  35. “O my Entellus, in the olden days
  36. bravest among the mighty, but in vain!
  37. Endurest thou to see yon reward won
  38. without a blow? Where, prithee, is that god
  39. who taught thee? Are thy tales of Eryx vain?
  40. Does all Sicilia praise thee? Is thy roof
  41. with trophies hung?” The other in reply:
  42. “My jealous honor and good name yield not
  43. to fear. But age, so cold and slow to move,
  44. makes my blood laggard, and my ebbing powers
  45. in all my body are but slack and chill.
  46. O, if I had what yonder ruffian boasts—
  47. my own proud youth once more! I would not ask
  48. the fair bull for a prize, nor to the lists
  49. in search of gifts come forth.” So saying, he threw
  50. into the mid-arena a vast pair
  51. of ponderous gauntlets, which in former days
  52. fierce Eryx for his fights was wont to bind
  53. on hand and arm, with the stiff raw-hide thong.
  54. All marvelled; for a weight of seven bulls' hides
  55. was pieced with lead and iron. Dares stared
  56. astonished, and step after step recoiled;
  57. high-souled Anchises' son, this way and that,
  58. turned o'er the enormous coil of knots and thongs;
  59. then with a deep-drawn breath the veteran spoke:
  60. “O, that thy wondering eyes had seen the arms
  61. of Hercules, and what his gauntlets were!
  62. Would thou hadst seen the conflict terrible
  63. upon this self-same shore! These arms were borne
  64. by Eryx. Look; thy brother's!—spattered yet
  65. with blood, with dashed-out brains! In these he stood
  66. when he matched Hercules. I wore them oft
  67. when in my pride and prime, ere envious age
  68. shed frost upon my brows. But if these arms
  69. be of our Trojan Dares disapproved,
  70. if good Aeneas rules it so, and King
  71. Acestes wills it, let us offer fight
  72. on even terms. Let Eryx' bull's-hide go.
  73. Tremble no more! But strip those gauntlets off —
  74. fetched here from Troy.” So saying, he dropped down
  75. the double-folded mantle from his shoulders,
  76. stripped bare the huge joints, the huge arms and thews,
  77. and towered gigantic in the midmost ring.
  78. Anchises' son then gave two equal pairs
  79. of gauntlets, and accoutred with like arms
  80. both champions. Each lifted him full height
  81. on tiptoe; each with mien unterrified
  82. held both fists high in air, and drew his head
  83. far back from blows assailing. Then they joined
  84. in struggle hand to hand, and made the fray
  85. each moment fiercer. One was light of foot
  86. and on his youth relied; the other strong
  87. in bulk of every limb, but tottering
  88. on sluggish knees, while all his body shook
  89. with labor of his breath. Without avail
  90. they rained their blows, and on each hollow side,
  91. each sounding chest, the swift, reverberate strokes
  92. fell without pause; around their ears and brows
  93. came blow on blow, and with relentless shocks
  94. the smitten jaws cracked loud. Entellus stands
  95. unshaken, and, the self-same posture keeping,
  96. only by body-movement or quick eye
  97. parries attack. Dares (like one in siege
  98. against a mountain-citadel, who now will drive
  99. with ram and engine at the craggy wall,
  100. now wait in full-armed watch beneath its towers)
  101. tries manifold approach, most craftily
  102. invests each point of vantage, and renews
  103. his unsuccessful, ever various war.
  104. Then, rising to the stroke, Entellus poised
  105. aloft his ponderous right; but, quick of eye,
  106. the other the descending wrath foresaw
  107. and nimbly slipped away; Entellus so
  108. wasted his stroke on air, and, self-o'erthrown,
  109. dropped prone to earth his monstrous length along,
  110. as when on Erymanth or Ida falls
  111. a hollowed pine from giant roots uptorn.
  112. Alike the Teucrian and Trinacrian throng
  113. shout wildly; while Acestes, pitying, hastes
  114. to lift his gray companion. But, unchecked,
  115. undaunted by his fall, the champion brave
  116. rushed fiercer to the fight, his strength now roused
  117. by rage, while shame and courage confident
  118. kindle his soul; impetuous he drives
  119. Dares full speed all round the ring, with blows
  120. redoubled right and left. No stop or stay
  121. gives he, but like a storm of rattling hail
  122. upon a house-top, so from each huge hand
  123. the champion's strokes on dizzy Dares fall.