De Rerum Natura


Lucretius. De Rerum Natura. William Ellery Leonard. E. P. Dutton. 1916.

  1. Now let us sing what makes the stars to move.
  2. In first place, if the mighty sphere of heaven
  3. Revolveth round, then needs we must aver
  4. That on the upper and the under pole
  5. Presses a certain air, and from without
  6. Confines them and encloseth at each end;
  7. And that, moreover, another air above
  8. Streams on athwart the top of the sphere and tends
  9. In same direction as are rolled along
  10. The glittering stars of the eternal world;
  11. Or that another still streams on below
  12. To whirl the sphere from under up and on
  13. In opposite direction- as we see
  14. The rivers turn the wheels and water-scoops.
  15. It may be also that the heavens do all
  16. Remain at rest, whilst yet are borne along
  17. The lucid constellations; either because
  18. Swift tides of ether are by sky enclosed,
  19. And whirl around, seeking a passage out,
  20. And everywhere make roll the starry fires
  21. Through the Summanian regions of the sky;
  22. Or else because some air, streaming along
  23. From an eternal quarter off beyond,
  24. Whileth the driven fires, or, then, because
  25. The fires themselves have power to creep along,
  26. Going wherever their food invites and calls,
  27. And feeding their flaming bodies everywhere
  28. Throughout the sky. Yet which of these is cause
  29. In this our world 'tis hard to say for sure;
  30. But what can be throughout the universe,
  31. In divers worlds on divers plan create,
  32. This only do I show, and follow on
  33. To assign unto the motions of the stars
  34. Even several causes which 'tis possible
  35. Exist throughout the universal All;
  36. Of which yet one must be the cause even here
  37. Which maketh motion for our constellations.
  38. Yet to decide which one of them it be
  39. Is not the least the business of a man
  40. Advancing step by cautious step, as I.
  1. And that the earth may there abide at rest
  2. In the mid-region of the world, it needs
  3. Must vanish bit by bit in weight and lessen,
  4. And have another substance underneath,
  5. Conjoined to it from its earliest age
  6. In linked unison with the vasty world's
  7. Realms of the air in which it roots and lives.
  8. On this account, the earth is not a load,
  9. Nor presses down on winds of air beneath;
  10. Even as unto a man his members be
  11. Without all weight- the head is not a load
  12. Unto the neck; nor do we feel the whole
  13. Weight of the body to centre in the feet.
  14. But whatso weights come on us from without,
  15. Weights laid upon us, these harass and chafe,
  16. Though often far lighter. For to such degree
  17. It matters always what the innate powers
  18. Of any given thing may be. The earth
  19. Was, then, no alien substance fetched amain,
  20. And from no alien firmament cast down
  21. On alien air; but was conceived, like air,
  22. In the first origin of this the world,
  23. As a fixed portion of the same, as now
  24. Our members are seen to be a part of us.
  25. Besides, the earth, when of a sudden shook
  26. By the big thunder, doth with her motion shake
  27. All that's above her- which she ne'er could do
  28. By any means, were earth not bounden fast
  29. Unto the great world's realms of air and sky:
  30. For they cohere together with common roots,
  31. Conjoined both, even from their earliest age,
  32. In linked unison. Aye, seest thou not
  33. That this most subtle energy of soul
  34. Supports our body, though so heavy a weight,-
  35. Because, indeed, 'tis with it so conjoined
  36. In linked unison? What power, in sum,
  37. Can raise with agile leap our body aloft,
  38. Save energy of mind which steers the limbs?
  39. Now seest thou not how powerful may be
  40. A subtle nature, when conjoined it is
  41. With heavy body, as air is with the earth
  42. Conjoined, and energy of mind with us?
  1. Nor can the sun's wheel larger be by much
  2. Nor its own blaze much less than either seems
  3. Unto our senses. For from whatso spaces
  4. Fires have the power on us to cast their beams
  5. And blow their scorching exhalations forth
  6. Against our members, those same distances
  7. Take nothing by those intervals away
  8. From bulk of flames; and to the sight the fire
  9. Is nothing shrunken. Therefore, since the heat
  10. And the outpoured light of skiey sun
  11. Arrive our senses and caress our limbs,
  12. Form too and bigness of the sun must look
  13. Even here from earth just as they really be,
  14. So that thou canst scarce nothing take or add.
  15. And whether the journeying moon illuminate
  16. The regions round with bastard beams, or throw
  17. From off her proper body her own light,-
  18. Whichever it be, she journeys with a form
  19. Naught larger than the form doth seem to be
  20. Which we with eyes of ours perceive. For all
  21. The far removed objects of our gaze
  22. Seem through much air confused in their look
  23. Ere minished in their bigness. Wherefore, moon,
  24. Since she presents bright look and clear-cut form,
  25. May there on high by us on earth be seen
  26. Just as she is with extreme bounds defined,
  27. And just of the size. And lastly, whatso fires
  28. Of ether thou from earth beholdest, these
  29. Thou mayst consider as possibly of size
  30. The least bit less, or larger by a hair
  31. Than they appear- since whatso fires we view
  32. Here in the lands of earth are seen to change
  33. From time to time their size to less or more
  34. Only the least, when more or less away,
  35. So long as still they bicker clear, and still
  36. Their glow's perceived.
  1. Nor need there be for men
  2. Astonishment that yonder sun so small
  3. Can yet send forth so great a light as fills
  4. Oceans and all the lands and sky aflood,
  5. And with its fiery exhalations steeps
  6. The world at large. For it may be, indeed,
  7. That one vast-flowing well-spring of the whole
  8. Wide world from here hath opened and out-gushed,
  9. And shot its light abroad; because thuswise
  10. The elements of fiery exhalations
  11. From all the world around together come,
  12. And thuswise flow into a bulk so big
  13. That from one single fountain-head may stream
  14. This heat and light. And seest thou not, indeed,
  15. How widely one small water-spring may wet
  16. The meadow-lands at times and flood the fields?
  17. 'Tis even possible, besides, that heat
  18. From forth the sun's own fire, albeit that fire
  19. Be not a great, may permeate the air
  20. With the fierce hot- if but, perchance, the air
  21. Be of condition and so tempered then
  22. As to be kindled, even when beat upon
  23. Only by little particles of heat-
  24. Just as we sometimes see the standing grain
  25. Or stubble straw in conflagration all
  26. From one lone spark. And possibly the sun,
  27. Agleam on high with rosy lampion,
  28. Possesses about him with invisible heats
  29. A plenteous fire, by no effulgence marked,
  30. So that he maketh, he, the Fraught-with-fire,
  31. Increase to such degree the force of rays.
  1. Nor is there one sure cause revealed to men
  2. How the sun journeys from his summer haunts
  3. On to the mid-most winter turning-points
  4. In Capricorn, the thence reverting veers
  5. Back to solstitial goals of Cancer; nor
  6. How 'tis the moon is seen each month to cross
  7. That very distance which in traversing
  8. The sun consumes the measure of a year.
  9. I say, no one clear reason hath been given
  10. For these affairs. Yet chief in likelihood
  11. Seemeth the doctrine which the holy thought
  12. Of great Democritus lays down: that ever
  13. The nearer the constellations be to earth
  14. The less can they by whirling of the sky
  15. Be borne along, because those skiey powers
  16. Of speed aloft do vanish and decrease
  17. In under-regions, and the sun is thus
  18. Left by degrees behind amongst those signs
  19. That follow after, since the sun he lies
  20. Far down below the starry signs that blaze;
  21. And the moon lags even tardier than the sun:
  22. In just so far as is her course removed
  23. From upper heaven and nigh unto the lands,
  24. In just so far she fails to keep the pace
  25. With starry signs above; for just so far
  26. As feebler is the whirl that bears her on,
  27. (Being, indeed, still lower than the sun),
  28. In just so far do all the starry signs,
  29. Circling around, o'ertake her and o'erpass.
  30. Therefore it happens that the moon appears
  31. More swiftly to return to any sign
  32. Along the Zodiac, than doth the sun,
  33. Because those signs do visit her again
  34. More swiftly than they visit the great sun.
  35. It can be also that two streams of air
  36. Alternately at fixed periods
  37. Blow out from transverse regions of the world,
  38. Of which the one may thrust the sun away
  39. From summer-signs to mid-most winter goals
  40. And rigors of the cold, and the other then
  41. May cast him back from icy shades of chill
  42. Even to the heat-fraught regions and the signs
  43. That blaze along the Zodiac. So, too,
  44. We must suppose the moon and all the stars,
  45. Which through the mighty and sidereal years
  46. Roll round in mighty orbits, may be sped
  47. By streams of air from regions alternate.
  48. Seest thou not also how the clouds be sped
  49. By contrary winds to regions contrary,
  50. The lower clouds diversely from the upper?
  51. Then, why may yonder stars in ether there
  52. Along their mighty orbits not be borne
  53. By currents opposite the one to other?
  1. But night o'erwhelms the lands with vasty murk
  2. Either when sun, after his diurnal course,
  3. Hath walked the ultimate regions of the sky
  4. And wearily hath panted forth his fires,
  5. Shivered by their long journeying and wasted
  6. By traversing the multitudinous air,
  7. Or else because the self-same force that drave
  8. His orb along above the lands compels
  9. Him then to turn his course beneath the lands.
  10. Matuta also at a fixed hour
  11. Spreadeth the roseate morning out along
  12. The coasts of heaven and deploys the light,
  13. Either because the self-same sun, returning
  14. Under the lands, aspires to seize the sky,
  15. Striving to set it blazing with his rays
  16. Ere he himself appear, or else because
  17. Fires then will congregate and many seeds
  18. Of heat are wont, even at a fixed time,
  19. To stream together- gendering evermore
  20. New suns and light. Just so the story goes
  21. That from the Idaean mountain-tops are seen
  22. Dispersed fires upon the break of day
  23. Which thence combine, as 'twere, into one ball
  24. And form an orb. Nor yet in these affairs
  25. Is aught for wonder that these seeds of fire
  26. Can thus together stream at time so fixed
  27. And shape anew the splendour of the sun.
  28. For many facts we see which come to pass
  29. At fixed time in all things: burgeon shrubs
  30. At fixed time, and at a fixed time
  31. They cast their flowers; and Eld commands the teeth,
  32. At time as surely fixed, to drop away,
  33. And Youth commands the growing boy to bloom
  34. With the soft down and let from both his cheeks
  35. The soft beard fall. And lastly, thunder-bolts,
  36. Snow, rains, clouds, winds, at seasons of the year
  37. Nowise unfixed, all do come to pass.
  38. For where, even from their old primordial start
  39. Causes have ever worked in such a way,
  40. And where, even from the world's first origin,
  41. Thuswise have things befallen, so even now
  42. After a fixed order they come round
  43. In sequence also.
  1. Likewise, days may wax
  2. Whilst the nights wane, and daylight minished be
  3. Whilst nights do take their augmentations,
  4. Either because the self-same sun, coursing
  5. Under the lands and over in two arcs,
  6. A longer and a briefer, doth dispart
  7. The coasts of ether and divides in twain
  8. His orbit all unequally, and adds,
  9. As round he's borne, unto the one half there
  10. As much as from the other half he's ta'en,
  11. Until he then arrives that sign of heaven
  12. Where the year's node renders the shades of night
  13. Equal unto the periods of light.
  14. For when the sun is midway on his course
  15. Between the blasts of northwind and of south,
  16. Heaven keeps his two goals parted equally,
  17. By virtue of the fixed position old
  18. Of the whole starry Zodiac, through which
  19. That sun, in winding onward, takes a year,
  20. Illumining the sky and all the lands
  21. With oblique light- as men declare to us
  22. Who by their diagrams have charted well
  23. Those regions of the sky which be adorned
  24. With the arranged signs of Zodiac.
  25. Or else, because in certain parts the air
  26. Under the lands is denser, the tremulous
  27. Bright beams of fire do waver tardily,
  28. Nor easily can penetrate that air
  29. Nor yet emerge unto their rising-place:
  30. For this it is that nights in winter time
  31. Do linger long, ere comes the many-rayed
  32. Round Badge of the day. Or else because, as said,
  33. In alternating seasons of the year
  34. Fires, now more quick, and now more slow, are wont
  35. To stream together,- the fires which make the sun
  36. To rise in some one spot- therefore it is
  37. That those men seem to speak the truth [who hold
  38. A new sun is with each new daybreak born].
  1. The moon she possibly doth shine because
  2. Strook by the rays of sun, and day by day
  3. May turn unto our gaze her light, the more
  4. She doth recede from orb of sun, until,
  5. Facing him opposite across the world,
  6. She hath with full effulgence gleamed abroad,
  7. And, at her rising as she soars above,
  8. Hath there observed his setting; thence likewise
  9. She needs must hide, as 'twere, her light behind
  10. By slow degrees, the nearer now she glides,
  11. Along the circle of the Zodiac,
  12. From her far place toward fires of yonder sun,-
  13. As those men hold who feign the moon to be
  14. Just like a ball and to pursue a course
  15. Betwixt the sun and earth. There is, again,
  16. Some reason to suppose that moon may roll
  17. With light her very own, and thus display
  18. The varied shapes of her resplendence there.
  19. For near her is, percase, another body,
  20. Invisible, because devoid of light,
  21. Borne on and gliding all along with her,
  22. Which in three modes may block and blot her disk.
  23. Again, she may revolve upon herself,
  24. Like to a ball's sphere- if perchance that be-
  25. One half of her dyed o'er with glowing light,
  26. And by the revolution of that sphere
  27. She may beget for us her varying shapes,
  28. Until she turns that fiery part of her
  29. Full to the sight and open eyes of men;
  30. Thence by slow stages round and back she whirls,
  31. Withdrawing thus the luminiferous part
  32. Of her sphered mass and ball, as, verily,
  33. The Babylonian doctrine of Chaldees,
  34. Refuting the art of Greek astrologers,
  35. Labours, in opposition, to prove sure-
  36. As if, forsooth, the thing for which each fights,
  37. Might not alike be true,- or aught there were
  38. Wherefore thou mightest risk embracing one
  39. More than the other notion. Then, again,
  40. Why a new moon might not forevermore
  41. Created be with fixed successions there
  42. Of shapes and with configurations fixed,
  43. And why each day that bright created moon
  44. Might not miscarry and another be,
  45. In its stead and place, engendered anew,
  46. 'Tis hard to show by reason, or by words
  47. To prove absurd- since, lo, so many things
  48. Can be create with fixed successions:
  49. Spring-time and Venus come, and Venus' boy,
  50. The winged harbinger, steps on before,
  51. And hard on Zephyr's foot-prints Mother Flora,
  52. Sprinkling the ways before them, filleth all
  53. With colours and with odours excellent;
  54. Whereafter follows arid Heat, and he
  55. Companioned is by Ceres, dusty one,
  56. And by the Etesian Breezes of the north;
  57. Then cometh Autumn on, and with him steps
  58. Lord Bacchus, and then other Seasons too
  59. And other Winds do follow- the high roar
  60. Of great Volturnus, and the Southwind strong
  61. With thunder-bolts. At last earth's Shortest-Day
  62. Bears on to men the snows and brings again
  63. The numbing cold. And Winter follows her,
  64. His teeth with chills a-chatter. Therefore, 'tis
  65. The less a marvel, if at fixed time
  66. A moon is thus begotten and again
  67. At fixed time destroyed, since things so many
  68. Can come to being thus at fixed time.
  69. Likewise, the sun's eclipses and the moon's
  70. Far occultations rightly thou mayst deem
  1. As due to several causes. For, indeed,
  2. Why should the moon be able to shut out
  3. Earth from the light of sun, and on the side
  4. To earthward thrust her high head under sun,
  5. Opposing dark orb to his glowing beams-
  6. And yet, at same time, one suppose the effect
  7. Could not result from some one other body
  8. Which glides devoid of light forevermore?
  9. Again, why could not sun, in weakened state,
  10. At fixed time for-lose his fires, and then,
  11. When he has passed on along the air
  12. Beyond the regions, hostile to his flames,
  13. That quench and kill his fires, why could not he
  14. Renew his light? And why should earth in turn
  15. Have power to rob the moon of light, and there,
  16. Herself on high, keep the sun hid beneath,
  17. Whilst the moon glideth in her monthly course
  18. Athrough the rigid shadows of the cone?-
  19. And yet, at same time, some one other body
  20. Not have the power to under-pass the moon,
  21. Or glide along above the orb of sun,
  22. Breaking his rays and outspread light asunder?
  23. And still, if moon herself refulgent be
  24. With her own sheen, why could she not at times
  25. In some one quarter of the mighty world
  26. Grow weak and weary, whilst she passeth through
  27. Regions unfriendly to the beams her own?
  1. And now to what remains!- Since I've resolved
  2. By what arrangements all things come to pass
  3. Through the blue regions of the mighty world,-
  4. How we can know what energy and cause
  5. Started the various courses of the sun
  6. And the moon's goings, and by what far means
  7. They can succumb, the while with thwarted light,
  8. And veil with shade the unsuspecting lands,
  9. When, as it were, they blink, and then again
  10. With open eye survey all regions wide,
  11. Resplendent with white radiance- I do now
  12. Return unto the world's primeval age
  13. And tell what first the soft young fields of earth
  14. With earliest parturition had decreed
  15. To raise in air unto the shores of light
  16. And to entrust unto the wayward winds.
  17. In the beginning, earth gave forth, around
  18. The hills and over all the length of plains,
  19. The race of grasses and the shining green;
  20. The flowery meadows sparkled all aglow
  21. With greening colour, and thereafter, lo,
  22. Unto the divers kinds of trees was given
  23. An emulous impulse mightily to shoot,
  24. With a free rein, aloft into the air.
  25. As feathers and hairs and bristles are begot
  26. The first on members of the four-foot breeds
  27. And on the bodies of the strong-y-winged,
  28. Thus then the new Earth first of all put forth
  29. Grasses and shrubs, and afterward begat
  30. The mortal generations, there upsprung-
  31. Innumerable in modes innumerable-
  32. After diverging fashions. For from sky
  33. These breathing-creatures never can have dropped,
  34. Nor the land-dwellers ever have come up
  35. Out of sea-pools of salt. How true remains,
  36. How merited is that adopted name
  37. Of earth- "The Mother!"- since from out the earth
  38. Are all begotten. And even now arise
  39. From out the loams how many living things-
  40. Concreted by the rains and heat of the sun.
  41. Wherefore 'tis less a marvel, if they sprang
  42. In Long Ago more many, and more big,
  43. Matured of those days in the fresh young years
  44. Of earth and ether. First of all, the race
  45. Of the winged ones and parti-coloured birds,
  46. Hatched out in spring-time, left their eggs behind;
  47. As now-a-days in summer tree-crickets
  48. Do leave their shiny husks of own accord,
  49. Seeking their food and living. Then it was
  50. This earth of thine first gave unto the day
  51. The mortal generations; for prevailed
  52. Among the fields abounding hot and wet.
  53. And hence, where any fitting spot was given,
  54. There 'gan to grow womb-cavities, by roots
  55. Affixed to earth. And when in ripened time
  56. The age of the young within (that sought the air
  57. And fled earth's damps) had burst these wombs, O then
  58. Would Nature thither turn the pores of earth
  59. And make her spurt from open veins a juice
  60. Like unto milk; even as a woman now
  61. Is filled, at child-bearing, with the sweet milk,
  62. Because all that swift stream of aliment
  63. Is thither turned unto the mother-breasts.
  64. There earth would furnish to the children food;
  65. Warmth was their swaddling cloth, the grass their bed
  66. Abounding in soft down. Earth's newness then
  67. Would rouse no dour spells of the bitter cold,
  68. Nor extreme heats nor winds of mighty powers-
  69. For all things grow and gather strength through time
  70. In like proportions; and then earth was young.
  1. Wherefore, again, again, how merited
  2. Is that adopted name of Earth- The Mother!-
  3. Since she herself begat the human race,
  4. And at one well-nigh fixed time brought forth
  5. Each breast that ranges raving round about
  6. Upon the mighty mountains and all birds
  7. Aerial with many a varied shape.
  8. But, lo, because her bearing years must end,
  9. She ceased, like to a woman worn by eld.
  10. For lapsing aeons change the nature of
  11. The whole wide world, and all things needs must take
  12. One status after other, nor aught persists
  13. Forever like itself. All things depart;
  14. Nature she changeth all, compelleth all
  15. To transformation. Lo, this moulders down,
  16. A-slack with weary eld, and that, again,
  17. Prospers in glory, issuing from contempt.
  18. In suchwise, then, the lapsing aeons change
  19. The nature of the whole wide world, and earth
  20. Taketh one status after other. And what
  21. She bore of old, she now can bear no longer,
  22. And what she never bore, she can to-day.
  23. In those days also the telluric world
  24. Strove to beget the monsters that upsprung
  25. With their astounding visages and limbs-
  26. The Man-woman- a thing betwixt the twain,
  27. Yet neither, and from either sex remote-
  28. Some gruesome Boggles orphaned of the feet,
  29. Some widowed of the hands, dumb Horrors too
  30. Without a mouth, or blind Ones of no eye,
  31. Or Bulks all shackled by their legs and arms
  32. Cleaving unto the body fore and aft,
  33. Thuswise, that never could they do or go,
  34. Nor shun disaster, nor take the good they would.
  35. And other prodigies and monsters earth
  36. Was then begetting of this sort- in vain,
  37. Since Nature banned with horror their increase,
  38. And powerless were they to reach unto
  39. The coveted flower of fair maturity,
  40. Or to find aliment, or to intertwine
  41. In works of Venus. For we see there must
  42. Concur in life conditions manifold,
  43. If life is ever by begetting life
  44. To forge the generations one by one:
  45. First, foods must be; and, next, a path whereby
  46. The seeds of impregnation in the frame
  47. May ooze, released from the members all;
  48. Last, the possession of those instruments
  49. Whereby the male with female can unite,
  50. The one with other in mutual ravishments.
  1. And in the ages after monsters died,
  2. Perforce there perished many a stock, unable
  3. By propagation to forge a progeny.
  4. For whatsoever creatures thou beholdest
  5. Breathing the breath of life, the same have been
  6. Even from their earliest age preserved alive
  7. By cunning, or by valour, or at least
  8. By speed of foot or wing. And many a stock
  9. Remaineth yet, because of use to man,
  10. And so committed to man's guardianship.
  11. Valour hath saved alive fierce lion-breeds
  12. And many another terrorizing race,
  13. Cunning the foxes, flight the antlered stags.
  14. Light-sleeping dogs with faithful heart in breast,
  15. However, and every kind begot from seed
  16. Of beasts of draft, as, too, the woolly flocks
  17. And horned cattle, all, my Memmius,
  18. Have been committed to guardianship of men.
  19. For anxiously they fled the savage beasts,
  20. And peace they sought and their abundant foods,
  21. Obtained with never labours of their own,
  22. Which we secure to them as fit rewards
  23. For their good service. But those beasts to whom
  24. Nature has granted naught of these same things-
  25. Beasts quite unfit by own free will to thrive
  26. And vain for any service unto us
  27. In thanks for which we should permit their kind
  28. To feed and be in our protection safe-
  29. Those, of a truth, were wont to be exposed,
  30. Enshackled in the gruesome bonds of doom,
  31. As prey and booty for the rest, until
  32. Nature reduced that stock to utter death.
  1. But Centaurs ne'er have been, nor can there be
  2. Creatures of twofold stock and double frame,
  3. Compact of members alien in kind,
  4. Yet formed with equal function, equal force
  5. In every bodily part- a fact thou mayst,
  6. However dull thy wits, well learn from this:
  7. The horse, when his three years have rolled away,
  8. Flowers in his prime of vigour; but the boy
  9. Not so, for oft even then he gropes in sleep
  10. After the milky nipples of the breasts,
  11. An infant still. And later, when at last
  12. The lusty powers of horses and stout limbs,
  13. Now weak through lapsing life, do fail with age,
  14. Lo, only then doth youth with flowering years
  15. Begin for boys, and clothe their ruddy cheeks
  16. With the soft down. So never deem, percase,
  17. That from a man and from the seed of horse,
  18. The beast of draft, can Centaurs be composed
  19. Or e'er exist alive, nor Scyllas be-
  20. The half-fish bodies girdled with mad dogs-
  21. Nor others of this sort, in whom we mark
  22. Members discordant each with each; for ne'er
  23. At one same time they reach their flower of age
  24. Or gain and lose full vigour of their frame,
  25. And never burn with one same lust of love,
  26. And never in their habits they agree,
  27. Nor find the same foods equally delightsome-
  28. Sooth, as one oft may see the bearded goats
  29. Batten upon the hemlock which to man
  30. Is violent poison. Once again, since flame
  31. Is wont to scorch and burn the tawny bulks
  32. Of the great lions as much as other kinds
  33. Of flesh and blood existing in the lands,
  34. How could it be that she, Chimaera lone,
  35. With triple body- fore, a lion she;
  36. And aft, a dragon; and betwixt, a goat-
  37. Might at the mouth from out the body belch
  38. Infuriate flame? Wherefore, the man who feigns
  39. Such beings could have been engendered
  40. When earth was new and the young sky was fresh
  41. (Basing his empty argument on new)
  42. May babble with like reason many whims
  43. Into our ears: he'll say, perhaps, that then
  44. Rivers of gold through every landscape flowed,
  45. That trees were wont with precious stones to flower,
  46. Or that in those far aeons man was born
  47. With such gigantic length and lift of limbs
  48. As to be able, based upon his feet,
  49. Deep oceans to bestride or with his hands
  50. To whirl the firmament around his head.
  51. For though in earth were many seeds of things
  52. In the old time when this telluric world
  53. First poured the breeds of animals abroad,
  54. Still that is nothing of a sign that then
  55. Such hybrid creatures could have been begot
  56. And limbs of all beasts heterogeneous
  57. Have been together knit; because, indeed,
  58. The divers kinds of grasses and the grains
  59. And the delightsome trees- which even now
  60. Spring up abounding from within the earth-
  61. Can still ne'er be begotten with their stems
  62. Begrafted into one; but each sole thing
  63. Proceeds according to its proper wont
  64. And all conserve their own distinctions based
  65. In nature's fixed decree.
  1. But mortal man
  2. Was then far hardier in the old champaign,
  3. As well he should be, since a hardier earth
  4. Had him begotten; builded too was he
  5. Of bigger and more solid bones within,
  6. And knit with stalwart sinews through the flesh,
  7. Nor easily seized by either heat or cold,
  8. Or alien food or any ail or irk.
  9. And whilst so many lustrums of the sun
  10. Rolled on across the sky, men led a life
  11. After the roving habit of wild beasts.
  12. Not then were sturdy guiders of curved ploughs,
  13. And none knew then to work the fields with iron,
  14. Or plant young shoots in holes of delved loam,
  15. Or lop with hooked knives from off high trees
  16. The boughs of yester-year. What sun and rains
  17. To them had given, what earth of own accord
  18. Created then, was boon enough to glad
  19. Their simple hearts. Mid acorn-laden oaks
  20. Would they refresh their bodies for the nonce;
  21. And the wild berries of the arbute-tree,
  22. Which now thou seest to ripen purple-red
  23. In winter time, the old telluric soil
  24. Would bear then more abundant and more big.
  25. And many coarse foods, too, in long ago
  26. The blooming freshness of the rank young world
  27. Produced, enough for those poor wretches there.
  28. And rivers and springs would summon them of old
  29. To slake the thirst, as now from the great hills
  30. The water's down-rush calls aloud and far
  31. The thirsty generations of the wild.
  32. So, too, they sought the grottos of the Nymphs-
  33. The woodland haunts discovered as they ranged-
  34. From forth of which they knew that gliding rills
  35. With gush and splash abounding laved the rocks,
  36. The dripping rocks, and trickled from above
  37. Over the verdant moss; and here and there
  38. Welled up and burst across the open flats.
  39. As yet they knew not to enkindle fire
  40. Against the cold, nor hairy pelts to use
  41. And clothe their bodies with the spoils of beasts;
  42. But huddled in groves, and mountain-caves, and woods,
  43. And 'mongst the thickets hid their squalid backs,
  44. When driven to flee the lashings of the winds
  45. And the big rains. Nor could they then regard
  46. The general good, nor did they know to use
  47. In common any customs, any laws:
  48. Whatever of booty fortune unto each
  49. Had proffered, each alone would bear away,
  50. By instinct trained for self to thrive and live.
  51. And Venus in the forests then would link
  52. The lovers' bodies; for the woman yielded
  53. Either from mutual flame, or from the man's
  54. Impetuous fury and insatiate lust,
  55. Or from a bribe- as acorn-nuts, choice pears,
  56. Or the wild berries of the arbute-tree.
  57. And trusting wondrous strength of hands and legs,
  58. They'd chase the forest-wanderers, the beasts;
  59. And many they'd conquer, but some few they fled,
  60. A-skulk into their hiding-places...
  61. . . . . . .
  62. With the flung stones and with the ponderous heft
  63. Of gnarled branch. And by the time of night
  64. O'ertaken, they would throw, like bristly boars,
  65. Their wildman's limbs naked upon the earth,
  66. Rolling themselves in leaves and fronded boughs.
  67. Nor would they call with lamentations loud
  68. Around the fields for daylight and the sun,
  69. Quaking and wand'ring in shadows of the night;
  70. But, silent and buried in a sleep, they'd wait
  71. Until the sun with rosy flambeau brought
  72. The glory to the sky. From childhood wont
  73. Ever to see the dark and day begot
  74. In times alternate, never might they be
  75. Wildered by wild misgiving, lest a night
  76. Eternal should possess the lands, with light
  77. Of sun withdrawn forever. But their care
  78. Was rather that the clans of savage beasts
  79. Would often make their sleep-time horrible
  80. For those poor wretches; and, from home y-driven,
  81. They'd flee their rocky shelters at approach
  82. Of boar, the spumy-lipped, or lion strong,
  83. And in the midnight yield with terror up
  84. To those fierce guests their beds of out-spread leaves.
  1. And yet in those days not much more than now
  2. Would generations of mortality
  3. Leave the sweet light of fading life behind.
  4. Indeed, in those days here and there a man,
  5. More oftener snatched upon, and gulped by fangs,
  6. Afforded the beasts a food that roared alive,
  7. Echoing through groves and hills and forest-trees,
  8. Even as he viewed his living flesh entombed
  9. Within a living grave; whilst those whom flight
  10. Had saved, with bone and body bitten, shrieked,
  11. Pressing their quivering palms to loathsome sores,
  12. With horrible voices for eternal death-
  13. Until, forlorn of help, and witless what
  14. Might medicine their wounds, the writhing pangs
  15. Took them from life. But not in those far times
  16. Would one lone day give over unto doom
  17. A soldiery in thousands marching on
  18. Beneath the battle-banners, nor would then
  19. The ramping breakers of the main seas dash
  20. Whole argosies and crews upon the rocks.
  21. But ocean uprisen would often rave in vain,
  22. Without all end or outcome, and give up
  23. Its empty menacings as lightly too;
  24. Nor soft seductions of a serene sea
  25. Could lure by laughing billows any man
  26. Out to disaster: for the science bold
  27. Of ship-sailing lay dark in those far times.
  28. Again, 'twas then that lack of food gave o'er
  29. Men's fainting limbs to dissolution: now
  30. 'Tis plenty overwhelms. Unwary, they
  31. Oft for themselves themselves would then outpour
  32. The poison; now, with nicer art, themselves
  33. They give the drafts to others.
  1. Afterwards,
  2. When huts they had procured and pelts and fire,
  3. And when the woman, joined unto the man,
  4. Withdrew with him into one dwelling place,
  5. . . . . . .
  6. Were known; and when they saw an offspring born
  7. From out themselves, then first the human race
  8. Began to soften. For 'twas now that fire
  9. Rendered their shivering frames less staunch to bear,
  10. Under the canopy of the sky, the cold;
  11. And Love reduced their shaggy hardiness;
  12. And children, with the prattle and the kiss,
  13. Soon broke the parents' haughty temper down.
  14. Then, too, did neighbours 'gin to league as friends,
  15. Eager to wrong no more or suffer wrong,
  16. And urged for children and the womankind
  17. Mercy, of fathers, whilst with cries and gestures
  18. They stammered hints how meet it was that all
  19. Should have compassion on the weak. And still,
  20. Though concord not in every wise could then
  21. Begotten be, a good, a goodly part
  22. Kept faith inviolate- or else mankind
  23. Long since had been unutterably cut off,
  24. And propagation never could have brought
  25. The species down the ages.
  1. But nature 'twas
  2. Urged men to utter various sounds of tongue
  3. And need and use did mould the names of things,
  4. About in same wise as the lack-speech years
  5. Compel young children unto gesturings,
  6. Making them point with finger here and there
  7. At what's before them. For each creature feels
  8. By instinct to what use to put his powers.
  9. Ere yet the bull-calf's scarce begotten horns
  10. Project above his brows, with them he 'gins
  11. Enraged to butt and savagely to thrust.
  12. But whelps of panthers and the lion's cubs
  13. With claws and paws and bites are at the fray
  14. Already, when their teeth and claws be scarce
  15. As yet engendered. So again, we see
  16. All breeds of winged creatures trust to wings
  17. And from their fledgling pinions seek to get
  18. A fluttering assistance. Thus, to think
  19. That in those days some man apportioned round
  20. To things their names, and that from him men learned
  21. Their first nomenclature, is foolery.
  22. For why could he mark everything by words
  23. And utter the various sounds of tongue, what time
  24. The rest may be supposed powerless
  25. To do the same? And, if the rest had not
  26. Already one with other used words,
  27. Whence was implanted in the teacher, then,
  28. Fore-knowledge of their use, and whence was given
  29. To him alone primordial faculty
  30. To know and see in mind what 'twas he willed?
  31. Besides, one only man could scarce subdue
  32. An overmastered multitude to choose
  33. To get by heart his names of things. A task
  34. Not easy 'tis in any wise to teach
  35. And to persuade the deaf concerning what
  36. 'Tis needful for to do. For ne'er would they
  37. Allow, nor ne'er in anywise endure
  38. Perpetual vain dingdong in their ears
  39. Of spoken sounds unheard before. And what,
  40. At last, in this affair so wondrous is,
  41. That human race (in whom a voice and tongue
  42. Were now in vigour) should by divers words
  43. Denote its objects, as each divers sense
  44. Might prompt?- since even the speechless herds, aye, since
  45. The very generations of wild beasts
  46. Are wont dissimilar and divers sounds
  47. To rouse from in them, when there's fear or pain,
  48. And when they burst with joys. And this, forsooth,
  49. 'Tis thine to know from plainest facts: when first
  50. Huge flabby jowls of mad Molossian hounds,
  51. Baring their hard white teeth, begin to snarl,
  52. They threaten, with infuriate lips peeled back,
  53. In sounds far other than with which they bark
  54. And fill with voices all the regions round.
  55. And when with fondling tongue they start to lick
  56. Their puppies, or do toss them round with paws,
  57. Feigning with gentle bites to gape and snap,
  58. They fawn with yelps of voice far other then
  59. Than when, alone within the house, they bay,
  60. Or whimpering slink with cringing sides from blows.
  61. Again the neighing of the horse, is that
  62. Not seen to differ likewise, when the stud
  63. In buoyant flower of his young years raves,
  64. Goaded by winged Love, amongst the mares,
  65. And when with widening nostrils out he snorts
  66. The call to battle, and when haply he
  67. Whinnies at times with terror-quaking limbs?
  68. Lastly, the flying race, the dappled birds,
  69. Hawks, ospreys, sea-gulls, searching food and life
  70. Amid the ocean billows in the brine,
  71. Utter at other times far other cries
  72. Than when they fight for food, or with their prey
  73. Struggle and strain. And birds there are which change
  74. With changing weather their own raucous songs-
  75. As long-lived generations of the crows
  76. Or flocks of rooks, when they be said to cry
  77. For rain and water and to call at times
  78. For winds and gales. Ergo, if divers moods
  79. Compel the brutes, though speechless evermore,
  80. To send forth divers sounds, O truly then
  81. How much more likely 'twere that mortal men
  82. In those days could with many a different sound
  83. Denote each separate thing.
  1. Lest, perchance,
  2. Concerning these affairs thou ponderest
  3. In silent meditation, let me say
  4. 'Twas lightning brought primevally to earth
  5. The fire for mortals, and from thence hath spread
  6. O'er all the lands the flames of heat. For thus
  7. Even now we see so many objects, touched
  8. By the celestial flames, to flash aglow,
  9. When thunderbolt has dowered them with heat.
  10. Yet also when a many-branched tree,
  11. Beaten by winds, writhes swaying to and fro,
  12. Pressing 'gainst branches of a neighbour tree,
  13. There by the power of mighty rub and rub
  14. Is fire engendered; and at times out-flares
  15. The scorching heat of flame, when boughs do chafe
  16. Against the trunks. And of these causes, either
  17. May well have given to mortal men the fire.
  18. Next, food to cook and soften in the flame
  19. The sun instructed, since so oft they saw
  20. How objects mellowed, when subdued by warmth
  21. And by the raining blows of fiery beams,
  22. Through all the fields.
  1. And more and more each day
  2. Would men more strong in sense, more wise in heart,
  3. Teach them to change their earlier mode and life
  4. By fire and new devices. Kings began
  5. Cities to found and citadels to set,
  6. As strongholds and asylums for themselves,
  7. And flocks and fields to portion for each man
  8. After the beauty, strength, and sense of each-
  9. For beauty then imported much, and strength
  10. Had its own rights supreme. Thereafter, wealth
  11. Discovered was, and gold was brought to light,
  12. Which soon of honour stripped both strong and fair;
  13. For men, however beautiful in form
  14. Or valorous, will follow in the main
  15. The rich man's party. Yet were man to steer
  16. His life by sounder reasoning, he'd own
  17. Abounding riches, if with mind content
  18. He lived by thrift; for never, as I guess,
  19. Is there a lack of little in the world.
  20. But men wished glory for themselves and power
  21. Even that their fortunes on foundations firm
  22. Might rest forever, and that they themselves,
  23. The opulent, might pass a quiet life-
  24. In vain, in vain; since, in the strife to climb
  25. On to the heights of honour, men do make
  26. Their pathway terrible; and even when once
  27. They reach them, envy like the thunderbolt
  28. At times will smite, O hurling headlong down
  29. To murkiest Tartarus, in scorn; for, lo,
  30. All summits, all regions loftier than the rest,
  31. Smoke, blasted as by envy's thunderbolts;
  32. So better far in quiet to obey,
  33. Than to desire chief mastery of affairs
  34. And ownership of empires. Be it so;
  35. And let the weary sweat their life-blood out
  36. All to no end, battling in hate along
  37. The narrow path of man's ambition;
  38. Since all their wisdom is from others' lips,
  39. And all they seek is known from what they've heard
  40. And less from what they've thought. Nor is this folly
  41. Greater to-day, nor greater soon to be,
  42. Than' twas of old.
  1. And therefore kings were slain,
  2. And pristine majesty of golden thrones
  3. And haughty sceptres lay o'erturned in dust;
  4. And crowns, so splendid on the sovereign heads,
  5. Soon bloody under the proletarian feet,
  6. Groaned for their glories gone- for erst o'er-much
  7. Dreaded, thereafter with more greedy zest
  8. Trampled beneath the rabble heel. Thus things
  9. Down to the vilest lees of brawling mobs
  10. Succumbed, whilst each man sought unto himself
  11. Dominion and supremacy. So next
  12. Some wiser heads instructed men to found
  13. The magisterial office, and did frame
  14. Codes that they might consent to follow laws.
  15. For humankind, o'er wearied with a life
  16. Fostered by force, was ailing from its feuds;
  17. And so the sooner of its own free will
  18. Yielded to laws and strictest codes. For since
  19. Each hand made ready in its wrath to take
  20. A vengeance fiercer than by man's fair laws
  21. Is now conceded, men on this account
  22. Loathed the old life fostered by force. 'Tis thence
  23. That fear of punishments defiles each prize
  24. Of wicked days; for force and fraud ensnare
  25. Each man around, and in the main recoil
  26. On him from whence they sprung. Not easy 'tis
  27. For one who violates by ugly deeds
  28. The bonds of common peace to pass a life
  29. Composed and tranquil. For albeit he 'scape
  30. The race of gods and men, he yet must dread
  31. 'Twill not be hid forever- since, indeed,
  32. So many, oft babbling on amid their dreams
  33. Or raving in sickness, have betrayed themselves
  34. (As stories tell) and published at last
  35. Old secrets and the sins.