

Catullus, Gaius Valerius. The Carmina of Caius Valerius Catullus. Burton, Sir Richard Francis, translator. London, Printed for the Translators, 1894.

  1. E'en as thou played'st, from thee snatched I (0 honied Juventius!)
  2. Kisslet of savour so sweet sweetest Ambrosia unknows.
  3. Yet was the theft nowise scot-free, for more than an hour I
  4. Clearly remember me fixt hanging from crest of the Cross,
  5. Whatwhile I purged my sin unto thee nor with any weeping
  6. Tittle of cruel despite such as be thine could I 'bate.
  7. For that no sooner done thou washed thy liplets with many
  8. Drops which thy fingers did wipe, using their every joint,