

Catullus, Gaius Valerius. The Carmina of Caius Valerius Catullus. Burton, Sir Richard Francis, translator. London, Printed for the Translators, 1894.

  1. Lesbia naggeth at me evermore and ne'er is she silent
  2. Touching myself: May I die but that by Lesbia I'm loved.
  3. What be the proof? I rail and retort like her and revile her
  4. Carefully, yet may I die but that I love her with love.
  1. Study I not o'ermuch to please thee (Caesar!) and court thee,
  2. Nor do I care e'en to know an thou be white or be black.
  1. Mentula wooeth much: much wooeth he, be assurèd.
  2. That is, e'en as they say, the Pot gathers leeks for the pot.
  1. "Zmyrna" begun erstwhile nine harvests past by my Cinna
  2. Publisht appears when now nine of his winters be gone;
  3. Thousands fifty of lines meanwhile Hortensius in single
  4. ---