

Catullus, Gaius Valerius. The Carmina of Caius Valerius Catullus. Burton, Sir Richard Francis, translator. London, Printed for the Translators, 1894.

  1. Rufus, trusted as friend by me, so fruitlessly, vainly,
  2. (Vainly? nay to my bane and at a ruinous price!)
  3. Hast thou cajoled me thus, and enfiring innermost vitals,
  4. Ravished the whole of our good own'd by wretchedest me?
  5. Ravished; (alas and alas!) of our life thou cruellest cruel
  6. Venom, (alas and alas!) plague of our friendship and pest.
  7. Yet must I now lament that lips so pure of the purest
  8. Damsel, thy slaver foul soiled with filthiest kiss.
  9. But ne'er hope to escape scot free; for thee shall all ages
  10. Know, and what thing thou be, Fame, the old crone, shall declare.