

Catullus, Gaius Valerius. The Carmina of Caius Valerius Catullus. Burton, Sir Richard Francis, translator. London, Printed for the Translators, 1894.

  1. For mad Catullus enough and more be this,
  2. Risses nor curious wight shall count their tale,
  3. Nor to bewitch us evil tongue avail.
  1. Woe-full Catullus! cease to play the fool
  2. And what thou seest dead as dead regard!
  3. Whilòme the sheeniest suns for thee did shine
  4. When oft-a-tripping whither led the girl
  5. By us beloved, as shall none be loved.
  6. There all so merry doings then were done
  7. After thy liking, nor the girl was loath.
  8. Then certès sheeniest suns for thee did shine.
  9. Now she's unwilling: thou too (hapless!) will
  10. Her flight to follow, and sad life to live:
  11. Endure with stubborn soul and still obdure.