

Catullus, Gaius Valerius. The Carmina of Caius Valerius Catullus. Burton, Sir Richard Francis, translator. London, Printed for the Translators, 1894.

  1. Weep every Venus, and all Cupids wail,
  2. And men whose gentler spirits still prevail.
  3. Dead is the Sparrow of my girl, the joy,
  4. Sparrow, my sweeting's most delicious toy,
  5. Whom loved she dearer than her very eyes;
  6. For he was honeyed-pet and anywise
  7. Knew her, as even she her mother knew;
  8. Ne'er from her bosom's harbourage he flew
  9. But 'round her hopping here, there, everywhere,
  10. Piped he to none but her his lady fair.
  11. Now must he wander o'er the darkling way
  12. Thither, whence life-return the Fates denay.
  13. But ah! beshrew you, evil Shadows low'ring
  14. In Orcus ever loveliest things devouring:
  15. Who bore so pretty a Sparrow fro' her ta'en.
  16. (Oh hapless birdie and Oh deed of bane!)
  17. Now by your wanton work my girl appears
  18. With turgid eyelids tinted rose by tears.