

Catullus, Gaius Valerius. The Carmina of Caius Valerius Catullus. Burton, Sir Richard Francis, translator. London, Printed for the Translators, 1894.

  1. Aufiléna! to live content with only one husband,
  2. Praise is and truest of praise ever bestowed upon wife.
  3. Yet were it liefer to lie any wise with any for lover,
  4. Than to be breeder of boys uncle as cousins begat.
  1. Great th'art (Naso!) as man, nor like thee many in greatness
  2. Lower themselves (Naso!): great be thou, pathic to boot.
  1. Pompey first being chosen Consul, twofold (O Cinna!)
  2. Men for amours were famed: also when chosen again